Hands and Life Connection

Hands and Life Connection

While cleaning up the Spring gardens, I became acutely aware of the look, feel and strength of my hands.  I suppose when one is crawling under and over things to get those last few weeds, then dumping and spreading 18 bags of manure, compost and soil to bump up the gardens, it becomes crystal clear that none of this could be done without working hands.  And as is my habit, once I get a revealing thought, I take it an extra mile!

Hands.  In Chakra energy theory, the hands are an extension of the Heart Chakra.  They will either push away or pull towards using the energy of the Heart.  The hands have their own chakras – the palms of our hands are powerful transmitters of Heart Chakra loving energy. Think of hugs, caresses and any activity that brings you joy. Those same hand chakras in an unbalanced state may shut down and refuse to send out loving energy.  Think of slaps, fists and anything that brings you grief, anger or hate.

In her book, A Gift for Healing, Deborah Cowens writes:

“The hands are themselves great works of art.  They possess beauty, power and utility.  In the hands, raw strength, miraculous precision and musical dexterity become one.  The hands can build bridges, sculpt stone, type, tie flies and perform surgery.  All the power of our minds, hearts and souls are concentrated in our hands, which is why they are capable of reshaping the world.  Who can deny that they possess a unique and even awesome power?  That power flows from your hands and you can use it to heal.”

Hands help us learn about our world, participate in our world, connect with that which offers us pleasure, joy, pain, sorrow and more.  Create, destroy, nurture, ignore, discover or retreat – hands help us do all this and much more.  Young hands in search of new adventures. Older hands understanding how it all comes together.  A place for everyone and every hand.

It is quite common to hear of people having issues with arthritis in their hands. Arthritis is an inflammatory process with stiffness of the joints which can, over time, create permanent damage.  It can also be a result of the wear and tear of everyday life on specific joints in the body that eventually wear out. There are many types of arthritis – some are easier to manage than others.  In mind-body connection theory, arthritis is connected with our innermost feelings about the movement we are taking, what we are doing within that movement or the direction we are going in.  According to Debbie Shapiro in her book, The Bodymind Workbook, she describes arthritis in more detail:

“There may be a sensation of the energy pulling back from moving forward, maybe out of fear of the movement or because we would really rather be doing something or going somewhere different.  This state also indicates self-criticism (stiffness), lack of self-worth, fear, anger (inflammation) and bitterness (pain).  There can be a sense of being tied down, restricted, restrained and confined.  There can be also a developing inability to bend, to be mentally flexible or to be able to surrender. This can reflect a lack of self-trust as well as a hardening attitude toward life.  These feelings are usually about ourselves but rather than being acknowledged inwardly, they are usually projected outwardly towards others.”

If our hands are expressions of Heart Chakra energy and connections to our world, then the arthritic condition may be indicating our true inner wish for a different direction or different situation to help us feel more joyful in this world.  The longer we deny our true feelings and wishes, the more prevalent the arthritis can become.  What would it take to decide that our own feelings and dreams deserve to be heard and respected?  What would it take to surrender into our own inner sanctum – our inner heart – for self love and acceptance?  Or surrender into the arms of the Divine to just be and know that we are Enough?  Answer these questions and you open up opportunities for growth, love and joy.  Always your choice and under your control.

In the book, Earth Prayers from Around the World, Dianne Neu wrote a poem/prayer entitled, “Blessed Be the Work of Your Hands”. It is a fitting ending.

Blessed be the work of your hands, O Holy One
Blessed be the hands that have touched life
Blessed be the hands that have nurtured and created
Blessed be the hands that have held pain
Blessed be the hands that have embraced with passion
Blessed be the hands that have tended gardens
Blessed be the hands that have closed in anger
Blessed be the hands that have planted new seeds
Blessed be the hands that have harvested ripe fields
Blessed be the hands that have cleaned, washed, mopped and scrubbed
Blessed be the hands that have become knotty with age
Blessed be the hands that have wrinkled and scarred from doing justice
Blessed be the hands that have reached out and been received
Blessed be the hands that have held the promise of the future
Blessed be the work of your hands, O Holy One.

Embracing the Promise of Spring

Embracing the Promise of Spring

From our earliest days, Springtime has meant renewal, rebirth and new beginnings.  Look to Nature for proof of the ever-present cycle of birth, death and rebirth in our world. It’s in our gardens, forests and fields.  It’s in the flora, fauna and fish.  And it has been in the human psyche from times “long ago and far away”.  Shaking off the weight and weariness of winter isolation and hibernation, we “spring” into a more open way of being and doing in Springtime.

All rituals connected to clearing out the old and unneeded in order to make room for something new and exciting, come from this core knowing.  We do our Spring Cleaning as a way to say good-bye to the old and hello to the new.  Houses, yards, vehicles, offices and any other space that we have can get a lift from this. Reorganize, redecorate, renovate, revise – just move and transform that old energy out and about! And when we are finished, the new space feels fantastic! New potential gets infused into the final product. New ideas, dreams and actions can spring forth from this new place. And within us, a sense of satisfaction feels good.  If our outer world can be energized and expanded by Springtime energy and actions, what could our inner world do with all this?

Winter is seen as a time of the inner journey – a time to reflect and review our truths, our failings and our dreams for ourselves. Inner reflection takes time and energy;  we need to be still in order to hear our inner voice. Winter offers us the gift of stillness, should we wish it.  But with the stirrings of Springtime, we have an opportunity to use the information gleaned from our quiet time to help us shape our life path, present and future.  If something needs changing or fixing, fix it!  If something needs a new approach or attitude, embrace it!  If we don’t know something, get the info needed!  If a relationship needs to change, then change it!  Bring what was learned or dreamed out from the inner journey and into the real world. Springtime brings forth a burst of new energy, potential and life – maybe this is something you need in your life, too.

Perhaps you know someone who describes all sorts of wonderful things that they plan to do, or wonderful changes they plan to make for themselves yet these never come to fruition.  Many folks believe that all you have to do is think about these wonderful things and they will somehow appear. (Please note: this is not the same as using the Law of Attraction where thoughts can truly manifest; there is much more to the LOA process).  And when nothing manifests for them, these folks have many reasons for the “no-show”. Perhaps on some level these folks believe that they do not deserve such improvement in their lives. Perhaps there is a deep sabotaging pattern that blocks anything positive from entering their world. Maybe being a victim is more comfortable to them. Or maybe being a dreamer is safer and less trouble to them than being responsible for actually taking action and creating the reality. The point is that having the idea is not the same as putting the idea into action. There is a saying, “Walk your Talk.”  In a nutshell, that is what Springtime can do for us.

The energy of Springtime is one of creativity, expansion and blossoming.  The potential to create something beautiful is everywhere.  Using Springtime as a metaphor for personal development helps us to remember how magnificent we really are. With the proper conditions – food, water, sunshine, soil and a knowing that there is more to living – a seed bursts through the ground and transforms from a seed, to a seedling, to a growing plant and finally to its full magnificence. We, too, can create a newer way of being for ourselves and our world. Just start with a seed (the thought/idea/dream) and nurture it to fruition.  Nurturing can take many forms, but essentially anything or anyone that helps us to shine our True Essence in the world and encourages us to be Happy, is nurturing.

As is true with most things, we must nurture ourselves first before we can expect others to nurture us. If we can’t (or won’t) give ourselves what we need to show the world our true nature and be happy with ourselves and others, then why should anyone else bother?  It is a case of positive self-worth and self-esteem that helps us to give and receive in a balanced way. When we are in balance with the rhythm of life, there is no limit to the way we can manifest. Follow Springtime’s lead and you will see yourself blossom and grow..


  • The month of March is named after Mars, the god of war.
  • In the Julian calendar, March 25th was considered New Year’s Day, as it was the date when annual leases for homes and farms were signed. When the Gregorian calendar was instituted, New Year’s Day was moved to January 1st.
  • Spring Equinox occurs in March – it is when day and night are of equal hours, hence the name Equinox.
  • March’s messages:  To grow, To prosper, To explore
  • Traditional spells for this month include those for money and personal growth
Be My Valentine

Be My Valentine

February 14th is Valentine’s Day.  A day for love, lovers and wishes coming true.  Cupid, love potions, romance and roses are just some of the themes of this day.  No one special in your life?  Not so!  It is also a time to fall in love with yourself – acknowledging the precious gift you are. Here are a few suggestions to help make Valentine’s Day a special celebration.

Aromatherapy has long been used to awaken both love and sexuality in both men and women.  It was well-known that Cleopatra would have her staff soak the sails of her ship in rose oil and rose water, so that the wind would carry the scented message of her impending arrival to her lover, Mark Anthony. I don’t have to tell you what those two crazy kids got up to, once she got to shore!  History has shown that certain oils can create quite a stirring of the heart (and other parts!).  Some of the more commonly used essential oils for love, romance and passion include:


Florals:   Rose, Jasmine, Neroli, Lavender, Ylang-Ylang
Woods:  Sandalwood, Amyris, Cedarwood
Citrus:    Bergamot, Orange
Spices:   Cinnamon,  Cardamom, Ginger
Herbs, Leaves & Roots:  Patchouli, Clary-Sage, Vetiver, Vanilla

Those of you who are familiar with the Chakra energy system will note that most of these oils also have an affinity for the Heart and Sacral chakras, which are associated with Love and Passion.  These essential oils can be used in a room diffuser, a bath, a body oil or cream to help create a romantic ambiance and to increase passionate actions (wink-wink-nudge-nudge).  But remember:  the aroma will work only if you and your partner enjoy it. Just because the book says an oil is an aphrodisiac, doesn’t mean it will always have that effect. If you or your partner can’t stand the aroma, it just won’t work!

In crystal therapy,  Rose Quartz is the quintessential choice for Unconditional Love.  Its gentle pink nature has a softness, kindness and steadiness that is both comforting and nurturing.  Used to help all sorts of heart ache, its all-loving nature is a balm to the weary, lonely and grieving.  There are other crystals that will assist with passion (eg.Carnelian, Fire Agate) and love-spells (eg. Fire Opal), but it is Rose Quartz that helps us extend love to everyone – including ourselves. Rose Quartz can be worn as a pendant over the Heart chakra to support loving thoughts and actions.  It can also be placed under your pillow or bed to foster a loving relationship with a partner.  Anyone can benefit from this gentle, loving crystal.

What would happen if you combined aromatics and crystals?  In addition to the suggestions above, Michael Istad has a recipe for an Unconditional Love drink that combines traditional Ayurvedic herbs and spices with Rose Quartz crystals. This recipe is meant to be shared with those you love to increase the love between and around all of you. It is taken from his book, The Herball’s Guide to Botanical Drinks.

Unconditional Love Tea
20g. (3/4oz)  cinnamon sticks, powdered
15g. (1/2oz)   dried ginger root
5g.    (1 tsp.)  dried ashwagandha root
5g.    (1 tsp.)  dried shatavari root
15g.  (1/2oz)  dried rose petals
10g.  (1/4oz)  dried rosehips
30g.  (1oz)  dried tulsi
3-4  rough pieces of Rose Quartz

* Mix all the dried herbs together in a large bowl, then decant into a sealable pouch or jar.  Store away from direct sunlight.
* Cleanse the crystals, by first rinsing and gently scrubbing them under running water.  Then place in the sun for a few hours.  whisper some loving thoughts or love poetry to them.  Place the crystals in a heated oven on a low heat (60-70 C./ 140-158 F) for 15 minutes or until hot.  Gently place hot crystals in teacups.
* To serve 3-4 people: Take 6 heaping teaspoons of the herb blend, place into teapot, pour over freshly boiled water.  Infuse with lid on for 5-6 minutes, then strain and serve in teacups over the warm pieces of rose quartz. Savour and enjoy!

If you can’t find these herbs, why not create your own special tea blend from dried herbs you love? Herbs and Spices make a wonderful drink. Remember: It is the intention with which you create these teas that adds your own magic touch to the final product. May your tea be infused with the magic of Love.

To round out our Valentine’s Day celebrations, we turn to Robbi Zeck ND – author of the book, The Blossoming Heart – for some final suggestions on how to keep our hearts open and our lives filled with grace and gratitude. Consider these:

  • Create beauty in the environment in which you live
  • Say something positive or smile to at least one person every day
  • Do what you love and love what you do
  • Clear out your clutter
  • Recognize your gifts and talents
  • Every evening before sleeping, acknowledge all that you are grateful for
  • Every morning on waking, say thank you for another day of living and loving
  • Play, have fun, laugh
  • Open to love and the sensation of beauty within you
  • Show the people you love, your love.

Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day!  May your loving actions and attitudes carry on long after February 14th.


  • Who looks outside, dreams;  who looks inside, awakens.  Carl Jung
  • May there be light for you in dark places when all other lights go out.  J.R.R.Tolkien
  • You can’t depend upon your judgement when your imagination is out of flow.  Mark Twain
  • May the moon and stars pour their healing lights on you. Deep peace of a quiet earth to you.   Celtic Blessing
  • Our sense of worth is the single most important determinant of the health, abundance and joy we allow into our lives.  Dan Millman
New Course for the New Year

New Course for the New Year

New Year and a new view of ourselves and life direction.  The 2020 covid scare had many of us coming face to face with our deepest thoughts, regrets and emotions. No longer able to coast along on “auto-pilot” and with our usual distractions reduced for extended time periods, 2020 forced many of us to acknowledge our deepest, darkest secrets.  Coming to terms with what truly matters to us was not always an easy task.  But look at what that task has given us in return.

For some, it was a return to home base and becoming reacquainted with our families, home and pets. Creative ways of connecting and passing the time were actually fun for many people. Some of us even learned how to Zoom on our computers so we could “see” our family and friends. Home cooking and crafting;  playing cards and board games; reading and journaling; gardening and long walks in nature.  And naps. Lots of naps!  At 7pm, we’d bang the pots and pans to show our support and gratitude for the front-line workers who were helping us stay well.

For some, this time of isolation from the world was more difficult.  If you lived alone, you had no one else around to share your day with. These early days of self-isolation could become very dreary and depressing. If you were stuck in isolation with people who did not fill your heart with joy, your days also became very long and lonely.  It became apparent to some that they had been living a lie.  It was the distractions of daily life that kept us from facing this reality and making changes that could free us from this lie. To live in truth instead. Distractions such as going out to work, shopping, dining out, going to the gym, joining book clubs and other associations, meeting up for coffee or lunch or drinks with neighbours and friends, having company over for parties, dinners or simply a visit, helped build a buffer between our living situation and our deepest inner feelings and inner knowing. But without that buffer, we were faced with the reality of our home situation. Every day – for days, weeks, months on end – the reality of our situation confronted us.

The early days of isolation saw a huge increase in domestic violence episodes, calls to mental health hot-lines, drug and alcohol consumption and overdose, emergency room visits for panic attacks, severe depression and suicidal ideation. Over time, we have seen family breakups become reality for many. Legal action has increased for home and business foreclosures, divorces, child custody and restraining orders. Keeping us safe from the physical threat of the virus has created enormous collateral damage on many other aspects of our lives and livelihoods. Some people will never recover from these effects.  Some have already succumbed.

And yet, many have found their way through the deepest, darkest moments. Their ability to face their fears, face their challenges and face themselves has always been present. What “special powers” do they have? How did they find their way through all this darkness?  How did they manage to stay positive and on-course?

If you have faith and trust in the process, you believe you will succeed and survive. This belief helps to counter any negative, fear-based thinking that often puts people in a downward spiral.  Surrendering to the moment, knowing that, “ what is right now, is not forever“, helps increase a sense of optimism for a brighter future.  Those who have lived through difficult times in the past understand that nothing is forever, “this too shall pass”.  We can course-correct at any moment, which will help us experience a different outcome. There is a good reason that the sign, “Keep calm and carry on”, made such a comeback in 2020.  It was this type of thinking that helped nations survive and succeed during earlier times of war and strife. It helped then;  why not now?

People with high levels of optimism do not see themselves as victims of circumstances. These are the folks that live by the phrase, “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.”  Life experience has taught them that it is their attitude that will help get them through the tough times. Turn a negative into a positive and your attitude will stay positive, too.  Not always easy, but if we can find even one thread of goodness or positiveness in our situation, hold on tight to it!  Keep seeing positive progress and it will eventually manifest. Slow and steady still wins the race!

The adage, “Focus on what you want, not on what you don’t want” springs to light here.  Attention and Focus.  Where we set our attention, is where we will go.  Attention is always under our control – so use it wisely.  Use it to improve your sense of security, self-esteem and confidence, loving relationships and communication.  Is your attention being pulled away in the direction of too much drama and trauma, so that your sense of security is being challenged?  Does too much social media, television and news make you feel fearful, anxious and depressed?  Then say NO to it!  It is your choice as to how much time and effort you give to things/people who zap your well-being. Protect yourself from harm. Focus your attention on those people, activities and things that give you much joy, filling your heart and soul with lightness and love.

As 2021 begins, take time to reflect upon what has worked and not worked to help you feel safe, happy, healthy and joyful this past year. Have the courage to look deep into your self, to ensure that you have been truthful with respect to what you really believe, what you really feel and what you really want in your life. If your life is brimming with the positives, then keep it going!  If changes need to be made, allow yourself the time and space to decide how you wish to proceed – then do it.  The final decision is yours.  Just remember: an investment in yourself is the most precious one you can make.


  • Love and compassion are necessities not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.  The Dalai Lama
  • Mastering others is strength.  Mastering yourself is true power.  Lao Tzu
  • You have to find what sparks a light in you so that you in your own way can illuminate the world.  Oprah Winfrey
  • No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.  Albert Einstein
  • Who looks outside, dreams;  who looks inside, awakens.  Carl Jung
December Celebrations

December Celebrations

As we come to the end of the yearly cycle, it is interesting to note how cultures from around the world have celebrated at this time of the year.  The Goddess of the Night reigns as the days get shorter and the nights get longer. The activities associated with her are Introspection and Renewal.  And then December 21st marks the Winter Solstice – the longest night of the year.This is the highest point for the Holly King – now, the power shifts to the Oak King. From this point onward, daylight hours increase while the nighttime hours decrease.The Swedish call this the Birth of Lucina, the Sun Goddess.  Here are some other ancient December celebrations and observations of interest, as listed by Zsuzsanna Budapest in her book, The Grandmother of Time.

December 3rd:  Roman feast of Bona Dea.  She is the Good Goddess of Justice. In her honour, women held celebrations which men were not allowed to attend.

December 5th:  Dutch celebration of Sinterklaas Day.  Dutch children put out shoes to be filled with presents by the old elf, Sinterklaas.  He brings presents to fill stockings of children later this month.

December 8th:  European celebration of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.  Originally called the White Goddess, she is now portrayed as the Queen of Heaven, with the moon under her feet and the sun shining behind her.  Incense is burned in her honour.
Mexican folks observe the ancient Mayan mother Ixchel. To honour her, they have processions and blessings on small boats and fields in the hopes of increasing fertility and harvest from the land and sea.
Japan observes the Hari no Kuyo On this day, women take the day off to entertain and take over men’s roles in the household.

December 17th:  Roman celebration of Ops; Saturnalia.  Saturn and Ops, the Goddess of Plenty celebrate their blessings today. This was the original gift-giving season, when people gave each other things wrapped in rice paper for Ops, Goddess of Fertility, and dolls representing people themselves in health and prosperity.  Saturn liked partying, with wine and singing. Slaves were set free on this day. The festival went on until the end of December.

December 21st:  Northern Hemisphere Winter Solstice;  Sun reenters Capricorn.  This is the birth of light. Many goddesses from traditions and folklore from around the world give birth to their children on this night.  These various celebrations of rebirth are the origins of Christmas.

December 24th:  Anglo-Saxon’s Mother Night.  Our pagan ancestors called the night before Christmas the night of the mothers or Modraniht. Youth were excited because after the night of the mothers, they awoke to find the love of the mothers showered upon them in the form of presents.

December 25th:  Roman celebration of Juvenalia: Day of the Children.  Following Mothers Night, the children were provided with gifts, artistic entertainment and fun.  Everyone wore their best clothes and ate their best food. There were dances where youth met, courted and fell in love under the mistletoe.

December 31st: Roman observation of Hestia/Vesta Day.  The year is turning. The flames of the hearth are rekindled. Hestia/Vesta the Goddess of the Flame is honoured.  Build fires outside or in a fireplace, light lots of candles to brighten this winter month.  Banish fear, raise joy, for your journey around the sun is complete.  Give thanks for the rich experiences you have had and renew your hope for another ticket around the sun.

May you find your special way of celebrating the season. With Grace, Gratitude and the gifts of the season: Peace, Love, Joy and Hope. Endings, Beginnings and Moving Forward from 2020 to 2021.



  • Frankincense has been used for thousands of years for meditation and spiritual connections to a Higher Power
  • It deepens and slows the breath and increases inner peace which help reduce anxiety, calm an overactive mind and release obsessive memories from the past
  • Frankincense is associated with the planet Saturn which rules maturity and wisdom which comes with age
  • Myrrh was used by the ancient Egyptians for embalming
  • It has been used for thousands of years as incense by many cultures
  • Myrrh is the Holy Oil used by the Eastern Greek Orthodox church to administer its sacraments
  • The message of Myrrh is that we may have all the material gifts in the world, but without love and forgiveness, we are nothing