Working With the Moon’s Phases

Working With the Moon’s Phases

There was a time when people worked closely with nature and natural events. Rituals and routines sprung up around these things as a way to assist folks with their daily tasks, dreams and life purpose. The predictable nature of the moon phases helped folks to focus on tasks that would be enhanced by the moon energy of that day. Today, the moon phases are most closely watched and followed by those engaged in nature-based spirituality and religions.  Ask anyone following Wiccan traditions and they can tell you exactly what is happening in the skies and on Earth at any moment!  Such is their bond and respect for nature and natural law.

The moon travels around the Earth in approximately 28 days – or in our time, 4 weeks. There are three moon phases that are observed most intently:  New Moon ~ Full Moon ~Dark Moon.  Throughout many cultures, the phases of the moon were uniquely tied to the feminine energy or goddesses If we were to assign an aspect of the Goddess-form to these phases, they would be Maiden ~ Mother ~ Grandmother. They appear, disappear and reappear in the cyclical manner as they’ve always done. Always have.  Always will.

Let’s look at what each Moon Phase has to offer. 

New Moon – associated with the Maiden (aka the Waxing Moon)

At New Moon, we are encouraged to set our goals and sights on things needing to come into being.  If we need a fresh perspective on something, this is the time to explore and create something new. This is where ideas come to light and manifesting these ideas into form begins. New Moon is a time to begin new projects; to initiate any moves encountered with new jobs, homes, schools, etc.; honour any “first” event such as menstruation, getting pregnant, learning to walk/run/ride a bike. This phase is one of curiosity, independence and confidence.  “Go for it”; “Get out of my way”.  It is also a time of Potential – of what might be. “Dream it ~ Be it ~ Do it.”

The Maiden is her own person, knows who she is and dreams of the potential for what she can become.  The sky is the limit, in her mind.

Full Moon – associated with the Mother

At Full Moon, we have had the advantage of the increasing lunar energy from New Moon until this point to help manifest our ideas and dreams.  This is the time of Fruition. This is the high point in all cycles – living or creating. We have nurtured our plans in order to bring them to life. This Full Moon energy helps us whenever we need energy and guidance to finish creating something. As Mother energy, she loves us and wants us to be the best we can be. We can learn and develop a sense of responsibility, patience and self-discipline by having worked to bring our ideas and dreams into the world. These are great Life Lessons. But there is also a sense of joy and satisfaction in seeing our dreams and ideas come into being. Manifesting a goal, a family or a spiritual journey are some of the ways Full Moon and Mother goddess energies assist us.

Dark Moon – associated with the Grandmother (aka the Waning Moon)

After all the anticipation, action and emotion of manifesting has reached its climax, we turn to a quieter, yet incredibly powerful, moon energy associated with the Crone – the old, wise woman. You will sense it strongly by the time the last quarter of the moon is visible – technically called the Waning Moon. Time to get serious about what we’ve created – or what we have not created!  This is a more inward-facing time as we take a longer, more discerning look at what we dreamed of and how far along we’ve come with making it real. A time for reassessment and brutal honesty. If we are not honest with what we’ve done, we are creating our dream on a rocky foundation.  And because of this, at some point, all will be defaced, defeated or destroyed. If we must let go of something in order to create something better, then this is the time to do it. The Waning and Dark Moon deal with death and the end of cycles. This moon energy of the Crone helps when courage, understanding and action are required for any type of ending. It is there when we need to take a break to regroup, rest and recharge. The Crone is there when strong protection is needed from attacks. The energy of Dark Moon and the Crone assist when the deep Mysteries of Life, Death and Rebirth are needed to help us heal and grow.

The Crone Energy continues after the last quarter of the moon is no longer visible and the Dark Moon is in its complete darkness phase. This is where the real magic and mystery lives!  These are the few days of total darkness before the light of the New Moon appears again. Total darkness of the moon symbolizes the Great Void, the Cauldron of Creation, the cosmic place where great stillness and silence allows for the dream to begin to form. Where ideas come forth to be dreamed into reality. When the upcoming New Moon can ignite the dreamer’s dream.  Birth – Fruition – Death – Rebirth.

I sometimes think of it in gardening terms. Once the plants are done with their growth, flowering and/or fruiting, we take that which is not needed or no longer life-bearing and place it into the compost bin (the cauldron of creation).  From that place of darkness, the magic within the bin turns these used up trimmings and old plant stocks into something new and vibrant – compost – which is then placed in the garden to offer nourishment and protection to the new growth.  Birth – Fruition – Death – Rebirth.

Next time you look up in the sky, notice where the moon is on its journey around the Earth. Know that from the beginning of time, people around the world have gazed up at that same moon and have dreamed their dreams into reality. Magical, mystical and it’s all ours!

“It’s a marvelous night for a moon dance …”  sing it, Van!  (Morrison, that is)


Autumn and its gifts

Autumn and its gifts

As Summer bids goodbye, Autumn makes its grand entrance. Colours turn to brilliant golds, reds, browns and orange. Growth is now turning from outward to inward in an attempt to prepare for the winter months ahead. Winter slumber will be soon enough – but for now, celebrate the harvest, thanksgiving and dancing leaves!

The Harvest is a time to reap what we’ve sown.  This is both in a literal and metaphorical sense. It is easy to see what our labours have manifested in and from the gardens.  Folks created beautiful landscapes, food and flower gardens and grew herbs for medicine and cooking purposes during the summer.  Now, these plants are harvested to create delicious jams, jellies, soups, relish, pickles and other edibles to enjoy all winter long.  Herbs have been collected and processed into dried or frozen staples for cooking while others have been blended up to create healing balms, creams and oils.  Let’s not forget the artists and crafters!  All sorts of plants used for flower arrangements, pictures, potpourri, and cards to be kept or given away at the right time.  Creativity knows no bounds when Nature offers up its gifts for us to use.

Yet metaphorically, what have we Harvested?  Those long summer days offered us more time to relax, review and reboot ourselves. It offered a chance to hear our inner voice. In that space of “just being”, what did we learn?  What did we dream? What did we promise ourselves to pursue?  What did we promise ourselves to change?

The Summer offered us time to take a Personal Inventory of our hopes, dreams, demons and new ideas.  With that having been done, Autumn is offering us the opportunity to Harvest this information and put things in motion – to bring what is best for us to fruition.  Most of us grew up starting school in September – and the excitement of a new school year was upon us. The world of new ideas and activities was about to be birthed, as it had each September beforehand.  September sets the stage for us to get down to business again – learning, organizing, and prioritizing.  October says, “So what are you waiting for? Get on with it!”  It’s somehow in our DNA!

Autumn offers us an opportunity to reflect upon being grateful for the Harvest.  Gratitude is an attitude and energy pattern that attracts more goodness.  It’s not just gratitude for the big things in life, although that is important.  Being grateful for everyday things means seeing the beauty and appreciating how little things impact our daily health and happiness. That perfect cup of coffee/tea/hot chocolate; the delicate rosebud about to open; birds splashing in the birdbath; giggles from a child; the hug from a loved one; walking the beach with our dog. Gratitude for the summer’s Personal Inventory and its insights and information which will make our life better now that we know. And now that we know, we will take action. Saying “Thank-you” is an acknowledgement of our appreciation which is a way of demonstrating an attitude of gratitude. Thanks and Thanksgiving – an Autumnal reminder.

 “It is easy to be caught up in feeling a chronic sense of lack, encouraged by a culture that says you never have enough and are never good enough. … But you may have noticed, seeing your glass half-empty all the time makes for a miserable life. Always looking to the future means you aren’t really present in the life you have right now.  By meditating on Gratitude on a daily basis, you will reduce your dissatisfaction and increase your contentment with the life you have.  Happiness, you will discover, is ultimately a state of mind.”      (taken from The Meditation Bible by Madonna Gauding, p.94)

May you find your Autumn Gifts.



Someone who feels beaten, broken and at their low point can often wonder if things will ever get better.  “Will I ever feel good again? “, is a thought that plays over and over in their minds.  For some, the journey to regain their hope and happiness seems too difficult. Why bother?  I can’t do it. Just give in and give up. For others, they dig deep into themselves and call upon something that offers courage, strength and hope for a better tomorrow.  They know that if they can feel it, they can be it. 

Outer circumstances may seem overwhelming and impossible, but their inner voice says, “You can do it!  You can find your way back! You have everything you need to overcome this!”  And the more they listen to this inner message, the stronger they get and the more determined they are to take positive action to make positive changes. Slowly, yet steadily, they find their way back. And the experience of going from the darkest of times to the triumph over those dark days offers knowledge, skills and wisdom. If ever they find themselves in that difficult place again, they remember that they came back from it before. They remember what it took to come back. And so, they begin to take action and make the changes needed and eventually return to a state of balance and wellness. This is the Gift of Resiliency – the wisdom to know how to return to your place of health, happiness, hope and strength.

Resiliency is not something you are born with.  It is a quality that must be developed and used over time.  It requires having life experiences that test your faith, courage and self-respect.  How you choose to respond to these experiences is always your choice.  Those who are “resilient” will choose thoughts, actions and feelings that offer a sense of hope instead of hopelessness.  A sense of victory instead of victimized.  A sense of connection instead of isolation. A sense of abundance instead of lack. An attitude of gratitude instead of ungratefulness. A sense of ebb and flow, understanding that life is in constant motion, so moving with it allows for change to occur. We won’t just survive – we will thrive!

We are all “tested”, here on Earth.  No question about it!  These “tests” come to us in order to challenge our beliefs, values, emotions and behaviour.  We are faced with tragedy, loss, humiliation, abandonment, manipulation and many other events which “test” our strength, courage and self-respect.  They “test” our faith, values, self-worth and abilities. Yet by rising to meet and overcome each “test” we show ourselves and the World that we are capable, courageous, tenacious and a person of worth.  In fact, we are Amazing!  We will thrive because we have and use the Gift of Resiliency.

Forecasts and Weather

Forecasts and Weather

Having boated for a few years now, we’ve come to understand that not all weather situations can be predicted. Between the regional weather forecasts, the marine weather broadcasts and anything else we can find on our boat radio or cellphones (whenever we are able to get a signal, that is!), all we can do is make an educated guess at what might happen over the next few hours. Even with all the technology we have, Mother Nature can change her mind in a second – and send everyone running for cover. Or, battling it out on the high seas.

On our last boating journey, we came across a book entitled, Reading the Clouds: How You Can Forecast the Weather, by Oliver Perkins (c.2018).  This young lad (his first book came out when he was 15 yrs. old) is helping us remember the cues and clues that are up in the sky.  Electronics and internet gadgets are great, but there are times when there is no signal to be found, the electrical charger didn’t work or there is no time to consult a “google master” before disaster hits.  A quote from the book’s back cover states, “To get an idea of how the weather will develop for the precise spot where you are standing (or walking, sailing, golfing, camping, fishing, etc.), you don’t need any equipment or wifi connection – you just have to look up!”

The book is a comprehensive account of the science and rationale for weather forecasting, clouds and their meanings. What piqued my curiosity was that in the final chapter, he also explains how some of our folklore tales and proverbs have validity in forecasting the weather.  He also debunks a few of these tales, as well.  Here is a sampling of some of the tales he explains.

Red sky at night, sailor’s delight.  Red sky in morning, sailor’s warning.

“This is the most well known of the weather proverbs. It appears in the Bible, so it was known at least by the 1st century AD.  This proverb works due to the position of the sun and the clouds. For a red sky to occur, it must not be cloudy on the side of the sky where the sun is. However, there have to be clouds in the other side of the sky onto which the sun can shine its light. If there is a red sky in the evening, it means that there must be clear weather to the west, but poor weather to the east.  That means that the weather is improving as weather systems generally come from the west. A red sky in the morning has the opposite effect.  Note:  this proverb is only correct in the mid-latitudes where the weather systems generally come from the west.”  (p.100)

A halo around the sun or moon means rain or snow coming soon.

“The refraction of light in the ice crystals in cirrostratus clouds causes halos. These clouds are often present before a depression approaches and as we know, depressions bring rain or snow.  Cirrostratus clouds are not often seen unless a depression is approaching, so this weather proverb is usually quite accurate.”  (pg.100-101)

The sharper the blast, the sooner ‘tis past.

“This one basically means that the more ferocious the poor weather and the quicker it sets in, the shorter it will last.  Strong thunderstorms always last less than an hour; however, in a warm front or in a warm sector, the rain will last for hours or days, but will be much lighter.”  (pg.101)

If the goose honks high, fair weather.  If the goose honks low, foul weather.

“This proverb is referencing how high the geese fly, not the pitch of their honk.  Geese fly best at a certain air density (ie. pressure), which changes with the weather.  In a depression, where there is low pressure, the geese fly low as the optimal air density for flying is lower.  In an anticyclone, which normally brings fair weather, the air pressure is greater so the geese fly higher to find the optimal air density.”  (pg.104)

When your joints all start to ache, rainy weather is at stake.

“Here is another pressure-related proverb.  When there is low pressure, it allows tissues to expand in the body, which can put pressure on the joints, causing pain.  This is why arthritic people often say that they can predict when bad weather is coming.  Obviously, this proverb is not necessarily the most accurate as your joints could ache for countless other reasons, too.”  (pg.105)    (NOTE: most folks with arthritis CAN tell that the weather is changing!)

If the spiders are many and spinning their webs, it will soon be very dry.

In high humidity, spider webs absorb water and become heavy, causing them to be more obvious to prey and prone to break.  Spiders are very sensitive to moisture in the air and they are aware that their webs may break, so when there is high humidity, they will hide and not spin their webs. When spiders sense low humidity, they will come out and resume their web spinning.  This is a useful indicator because if there are lots of spiders spinning their webs, we know that fair weather is probably here for at least a day.”  (pg.104)

Mountains in the morning, fountains in the evening.

“Tall cumulus clouds tower up high into the sky like mountains, and if these are seen early in the morning it indicates that the air is quite humid.  These clouds then grow further during the day and by the afternoon it is likely to be showers, although these showers will tail off by evening.” (pg.108)

All quotes from Reading the Clouds: How You Can Forecast the Weather by Oliver Perkins

Hope you have fun “testing” your weather forecasting skills!

Revisiting the Year 2020

Revisiting the Year 2020

I was taking a walk down Memory Lane and came upon the handout we used for our 20:20 Vision in 2020 seminar. Knowing now what we know about the unfolding of that year and those that followed, I was curious to see what we spoke of and what was our theme.  Here is how we introduced the seminar:

“Astrologically, 2020 is a powerful year with some of the most life-changing and transformative aspects seen in a very long time.  All of us are being guided to bring closure to karmic lessons and open new doors.  The opportunities for growth are HUGE.  The Key to Change is Awareness.  What is calling you?  What is holding you back?  Be the Change. …  This is a decade for great personal and global growth.  Old belief systems are being challenged and destroyed. making way for new ideas and new solutions.” Marlyna Los, Feng Shui Master

“2020 opens with a rare multi-faceted planetary alignment in Capricorn, the likes we have not seen in 800 years!  Outer planets Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto will complete and launch short-term and long-term cycles.  Capricorn is the archetype of Time and Reality.  Pluto’s transit through this sign swings the wrecking ball on any structure or reality (social, political, economic) that has outworn its purpose.  Marking the beginning of a new decade and a new world era, 2020 is a major reset year for the personal life journey and for the outer reality, too. … The year ahead warehouses several significant bigger picture planetary conjunctions.  It is a year of endings of significance, but more importantly, 2020 marks the threshold of a new reality that will define the shape of things to come for many years to come. … A major chapter in your life is working its way to an end while the next major chapter is already mapping itself out.  Each and all are destined to meet up with radical change on the road ahead – and in the not-too-distant future.  Confront was is necessary, finish it up, choose and do in a self-honouring way and make the wise use of time, resources and assets your top priority.  A step ahead is always the best place to be.  Set yourself up now as best possible and you’ll be better able to weather and harness the changes that lie ahead.” Rose Marcus,  Evolutionary Astrologer

One of the ideas that kept coming up was that we are being guided to bring closure to Karmic Lessons as our Karma is unfolding.  But what does that mean? Karma is the Law of the Spiritual World.  In Hinduism and Buddhism, Karma is the sum of a person’s actions in this and previous states of existence, viewed as their fate in future existences.  We are held responsible for our actions and the intent of our actions.  It is the INTENT of one’s actions that generates/accrues Karma.  Karma is not an instant reward system.  It is a set of values that are meant to teach us all to do better.  The more good people do, the more good will come of it.
The 12 Laws of Karma
  1. The Great Law – Whatever we put into the Universe will come back to us
  2. The Law of Creation – Life does not happen by itself; we have to make it happen
  3. The Law of Humility – We must accept something before we can change it
  4. The Law of Growth – By changing ourselves, we change our lives
  5. The Law of Responsibility – We are responsible for what happens in our lives
  6. The Law of Connection – The past, the present and the future are all connected
  7. The Law of Focus – We cannot think of two different things at the same time
  8. The Law of Giving and Hospitality – Our behaviour should match our thoughts and actions
  9. The Law of Here and Now – We cannot be present if we are looking backward
  10. The Law of Change – History repeats itself until we learn from it and change our path
  11. The Law of Patience and Reward – The most valuable rewards require patience
  12. The Law of Significance and Inspiration – Rewards are a result of the effort and energy we put into it
Over the years preceding 2020, we were asked to leave behind or discard that which no longer served us physically, emotionally, socially, financially or spiritually, or that which no longer served our Highest Good or that which no longer assisted us in achieving our purpose, dreams and most blessed life.  If the inner work was done in those preceding years, we were now able to have more clarity and certainty about who and what we really want and don’t want in our lives.  This was a point upon which a new way of being could begin.
Fact of Living:  Change happens whether we are willing participants or not!
Our choices were clear:
  • We can decide to embrace change and exchange our feeling of fear into a feeling of excitement
  • We can remain fearful of change and then feel powerless and/or victimized when changes are happening all around us and to us
  • We can resist change and find ourselves in a state of constant stress about our lives
  • We can over-think our situation to the point of making no decisions or taking no action; this has been dubbed, “Analysis Paralysis” by Colette Baron-Reid.

What we didn’t know at that time was in a few months the world would be topsy-turvy from a virus scare that shut down the world as we knew it!  It has taken years to get back to some level of comfort and normalcy.  We have more understanding of what actually was taking place behind the scene at that time (can you say politics, media and billionaires?) and what narrative we were being given. Yet, the personal work we set out to do for ourselves before all this occurred was and still is relevant!

Manifesting dreams and miracles start with: Stop; Reflect; Set an Intention The clearer this Intention, the more likely it is to come true.  Successful people don’t start with How it will be done.  They first decide What it is they want to create. What is the dream? What does it look like?  What does it feel like? The How comes later!

Second step is to write down all that you will accomplish in the next 12 months. Think of this as a commitment contract with yourself. Then make Plans on how to put things into action. The more action you put towards your accomplishments and intention, the more likely you will realize your dream.  Remember that Life throws us curve balls, so be Flexible in your Action Plan. Pivot when required!

Third Step points to Inner Work required for dreams to manifest. Changing personal Core Beliefs that block our success can be dealt with using:

    • Awareness to identify the negative core belief
    • Re-framing it from a negative into a positive belief, (ie Your Truth) then
    • Integrating this positive belief as your new Core Belief
    • Working from this new Core Belief draws you closer to making your dream a reality

Remember:  We manifest what we BELIEVE, not what we WANT  

A final point: Elevate your personal vibration to its highest level. Avoiding toxic people and situations, letting go of your past, forgiving yourself and others, connecting to your Higher Self are ways that will reprogram your Mind and set your vibration higher.  If that sounds too complicated, here is a simpler way. Every day, connect with yourself and others from a place of Love, Peace, Joy and Gratitude as this will automatically raise your personal vibration.

May you find ways of making every day your best day yet!

In the words of Sonia Ricotti, “Life doesn’t have to be perfect to be wonderful”