From our earliest days, Springtime has meant renewal, rebirth and new beginnings.  Look to Nature for proof of the ever-present cycle of birth, death and rebirth in our world. It’s in our gardens, forests and fields.  It’s in the flora, fauna and fish.  And it has been in the human psyche from times “long ago and far away”.  Shaking off the weight and weariness of winter isolation and hibernation, we “spring” into a more open way of being and doing in Springtime.

All rituals connected to clearing out the old and unneeded in order to make room for something new and exciting, come from this core knowing.  We do our Spring Cleaning as a way to say good-bye to the old and hello to the new.  Houses, yards, vehicles, offices and any other space that we have can get a lift from this. Reorganize, redecorate, renovate, revise – just move and transform that old energy out and about! And when we are finished, the new space feels fantastic! New potential gets infused into the final product. New ideas, dreams and actions can spring forth from this new place. And within us, a sense of satisfaction feels good.  If our outer world can be energized and expanded by Springtime energy and actions, what could our inner world do with all this?

Winter is seen as a time of the inner journey – a time to reflect and review our truths, our failings and our dreams for ourselves. Inner reflection takes time and energy;  we need to be still in order to hear our inner voice. Winter offers us the gift of stillness, should we wish it.  But with the stirrings of Springtime, we have an opportunity to use the information gleaned from our quiet time to help us shape our life path, present and future.  If something needs changing or fixing, fix it!  If something needs a new approach or attitude, embrace it!  If we don’t know something, get the info needed!  If a relationship needs to change, then change it!  Bring what was learned or dreamed out from the inner journey and into the real world. Springtime brings forth a burst of new energy, potential and life – maybe this is something you need in your life, too.

Perhaps you know someone who describes all sorts of wonderful things that they plan to do, or wonderful changes they plan to make for themselves yet these never come to fruition.  Many folks believe that all you have to do is think about these wonderful things and they will somehow appear. (Please note: this is not the same as using the Law of Attraction where thoughts can truly manifest; there is much more to the LOA process).  And when nothing manifests for them, these folks have many reasons for the “no-show”. Perhaps on some level these folks believe that they do not deserve such improvement in their lives. Perhaps there is a deep sabotaging pattern that blocks anything positive from entering their world. Maybe being a victim is more comfortable to them. Or maybe being a dreamer is safer and less trouble to them than being responsible for actually taking action and creating the reality. The point is that having the idea is not the same as putting the idea into action. There is a saying, “Walk your Talk.”  In a nutshell, that is what Springtime can do for us.

The energy of Springtime is one of creativity, expansion and blossoming.  The potential to create something beautiful is everywhere.  Using Springtime as a metaphor for personal development helps us to remember how magnificent we really are. With the proper conditions – food, water, sunshine, soil and a knowing that there is more to living – a seed bursts through the ground and transforms from a seed, to a seedling, to a growing plant and finally to its full magnificence. We, too, can create a newer way of being for ourselves and our world. Just start with a seed (the thought/idea/dream) and nurture it to fruition.  Nurturing can take many forms, but essentially anything or anyone that helps us to shine our True Essence in the world and encourages us to be Happy, is nurturing.

As is true with most things, we must nurture ourselves first before we can expect others to nurture us. If we can’t (or won’t) give ourselves what we need to show the world our true nature and be happy with ourselves and others, then why should anyone else bother?  It is a case of positive self-worth and self-esteem that helps us to give and receive in a balanced way. When we are in balance with the rhythm of life, there is no limit to the way we can manifest. Follow Springtime’s lead and you will see yourself blossom and grow..


  • The month of March is named after Mars, the god of war.
  • In the Julian calendar, March 25th was considered New Year’s Day, as it was the date when annual leases for homes and farms were signed. When the Gregorian calendar was instituted, New Year’s Day was moved to January 1st.
  • Spring Equinox occurs in March – it is when day and night are of equal hours, hence the name Equinox.
  • March’s messages:  To grow, To prosper, To explore
  • Traditional spells for this month include those for money and personal growth