In recent weeks, there have been several people asking about “magical aromatherapy” and use of aromatherapy with astrology. I often answer with, “Isn’t all aromatherapy “magical” in its way of creating changes to our thoughts, feelings and actions? Is it necessary to link a scent to a sign?” Looking at their faces, it was apparent that these were not the answers they were looking for.
It is true that aromatics have been used for thousands of years to invoke the blessings of the supernatural, receive support from the otherworldly and obtain protection strength, wisdom and love from celestial beings and guides. The ancient belief and action that our prayers and wishes were sent to the heavens on aromatic smoke can be found in many cultures from around the world. So it could be that there have been certain scents associated with the planets, signs and elements used in astrology.
So I went looking for some information on astrology and aromatherapy connections and found what I was looking for in Richard and Iona Miller’s book, The Magical and Ritual Use of Perfumes. Here are a few notes taken directly from their book.
The attributes of scents in Astrology can be divided into three types:
- Scents that correspond to the four elements
- Scents that correspond to the planets
- Scents that share harmonies with the signs of the zodiac
The simplest division of the astrological signs of the zodiac is into the four elements:
Fire element: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius
Water element: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces
Air element: Gemini, Aquarius, Libra
Earth element: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn
This division reflects the division of the circle, as a symbol of wholeness, into four quadrants. This division is an expression of the potential characteristics of Balance, Solidity and Regularity. Historically, attributes assigned to these four elements were used to explain our existence. Fire and Air were thought to express masculine qualities – active, positive, creative. Water and Earth were thought to express feminine qualities – passive, negative, receptive or yielding. These qualities could be found in both women and men. If balanced, one was considered “whole”.
Those of you familiar with Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) will recognize the use of 5 elemental categories for diagnosis and treatment within TCM. Mind-body therapists and many energy healers will describe function, flow and dis-ease with terms relating to the elements. Elements are also considered when classifying the energies and healing potential of crystals. So it is not a stretch to see that astrology also attributes elemental properties to its practice. Each astrological element is further described in Millers’ book – see if you can identify the similarities to elements found in TCM, energy healing and crystal therapy:
Fire is known as the spiritual element and is associated with aspiration, energy, purification and transformation (action, passion, destruction & rebuilding)
Water is the universal medium, the unfathomable depths of the human subconscious
(all about emotions & feelings)
Air is associated with breath, soul and flights of the imagination
(thoughts, thinking & analysis)
Earth expresses solidity, practicality and represents the physical body
(substance, grounding & foundation)
The ideal, or perfected, person is one who is a combination of all these forces/elements in balance.
Some of the aromas associated with these four elements include:
Fire: Coriander, Basil, Cinnamon, Olibanum
Water: Jasmine, Lemon, Birch, Spikenard
Air: Galbanum, Fennel, Lavender, Mastic
Earth: Vetiver, Verbena, Dill, Rose
It is thought that when one needs to balance their elements, you can inhale and/or apply an aroma from the element or elements you need in order to restore balance and wholeness.
Most people know their zodiac sign. The Millers list several aromatic oils for each of the 12 astrological signs. These were chosen for their ability to support the tendencies and traits of each sign. Other authors may have other aromas to add, but this is a fair place to start:
Aries: Coriander, Pine, Basil, Cinnamon, Tarragon, Cardamon
Taurus: Geranium, Dill, Jasmine, Myrtle, Patchouli, Vanilla
Gemini: Anise, Lavender, Mace, Basil, Mastic, Bay
Cancer: Jasmine, Aloe, Lemon, Lavender, Orris, Spikenard
Leo: Cinnamon, Myrrh, Nutmeg, Ambergris, Olibanum, Allspice
Virgo: Mastic, Olibanum, Lavender, Spearmint, Fennel, Bergamot
Libra: Rose, Birch, Galbanum, Cypress, Spearmint, Cedar
Scorpio: Musk, Pine, Allspice, Galangal, Ginger, Violet
Sagittarius: Hyssop, Dill, Clove, Aloe, Cedar, Pine
Capricorn: Cedar, Vetiver, Wormwood, Myrrh, Bay, Cypress
Aquarius: Myrrh, Spearmint, Pine, Bergamot, Cypress, Eucalyptus
Pisces: Violet, Patchouli, Nutmeg, Cedar, Anise, Pine
And so, you may ask, how would you use these oils? Good question! Find your zodiac sign and its element and choose an oil that you like. Sit quietly and gently inhale this oil with the intent of supporting the qualities of your element and zodiac sign that you feel you need or want to enhance. Feel the aroma enter every cell in your body as it infuses you with these qualities. Visualize yourself with these qualities. As you go about your day, have your chosen oil handy for sniffing any time you need to remind yourself of the qualities you are strengthening. This is an “aromatic memory anchor” that will help you to stay on track with your plan.
Another way would be to take an aromatic bath using oils that support your sign and its elemental category. Luxuriate in the aroma, warm water and quiet time just for you! Or make yourself a massage oil and apply it to areas where you have stress or areas that are known to be associated with your astrological sign. Drops on a tissue, in a spray or on your pillow at night are other ways to invite the aroma into your world.
This is just the tip of the iceberg, so to speak. Have fun exploring the oils and aromas associated with your sign. Discover for yourself what works / doesn’t work for you. Support the positives and diminish the negatives. Know that you are following an aromatic tradition that goes back many, many generations. The power of the perfumes is for real!
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