As we begin the second half of the year, let’s pause, notice and give thanks for the simple pleasures we have in our world.  What we give our attention to, will grow – so let’s be mindful of where our thoughts, feelings and emotions are leading. With an attitude of gratitude, we set a cascade of wonderful energy forward.  This energy will help us to attract even more simple pleasures our way.  It’s about the energy and intention we use!  So let us begin ….

When I think of the simple pleasures in my world that start my day, I think of great coffee in the morning, a morning newspaper with good comics, clean water and functional plumbing in the house so I can have a wonderfully refreshing shower and a selection of jewelry that makes me smile just choosing what to wear that day.  A hug, kiss and “Love you” from my amazing husband help to set forth the positive vibes for my day.  A walk around my gardens and planters before I head off to work reminds me that there is much beauty in the world, so I take the time to inhale, touch and offer loving encouragement to the plants under my care. The plants are a living example of creation and manifestation at their finest!

As I get into my car, I realize how fortunate I am to have a reliable vehicle that also has a great stereo system to play my favourite music – and play it at a volume that is to my liking! I am grateful to have the health and abilities that allow me to have my driver’s license as I know it is a privilege, not a right. And then I head off to work.

The Wellness Centre offers me much comfort and joy.  I love the work I do; I love my business friends and neighbours; I love my clients and customers who come by and share their stories with me.  I have great aromas, crystals, books and cards there that support my health and happiness; I can use them every day, all day.  It feels magical to me.

Home from work, I am again greeted by my amazing husband and his loving energy.  Then, I wander my gardens in my bare feet and feel the cool grass below – how grounding it is. I get excited seeing the changes in the gardens that have occurred while I was away.  Birds are singing, hummingbirds are humming because they don’t know the words (I know, it’s an old joke!) and the robins are having a pool party in the bird bath.  I sit on the deck and take it all in.

As the day comes to a close, I have opportunities to relax, reflect and prepare for my sleep. I am grateful for living in an area that is considered very safe. I am grateful for the comfortable bed upon which I can sleep.  I am thankful for the fact that I am able to sleep and dream deeply.  This replenishes me on all levels.

You are likely wondering why I’ve gone into so much detail about my day.  Truth is, this is just a sampling of the simple pleasures I am grateful for.  I use this to illustrate how we need to develop mindfulness in our lives in order to recognize the many pleasures and blessings we truly have.  Turn to most media presentations (including social media) these days and all we seem to see/hear are the negatives and what is wrong with the world.  This negativity is a toxin to the body ~ mind ~soul.  By choosing to limit that negativity and focus more on what is right and wonderful in my world, I have a better chance of staying calm, centered and happy.  I’m not advocating for a Pollyanna approach to the world – full denial or ignorance is not healthy either.  But perhaps a more balanced way of looking at the world can help us strengthen our health, happiness and hopefulness.

Summer is here.  The covid restrictions are lessening.  Now is a great time to take notice of the simple pleasures all around you.  Then watch how your world responds back!