September and Autumn Musings

September and Autumn Musings

As summer comes to a close, we reflect upon that which has happened and consider where we go from here.  The outward expression of our energies and activities, so much a part of the celebrations of summer, begins to slow down.  Time to gather and draw nearer. The harvest is collected and stored for future use. The harvest is more than just what comes from the fields.  It is also about the activites, adventures, connections and knowledge we experienced.  So the “personal harvest” is also a  time to reap and reflect.

What is in your personal harvest basket?  What information, lessons and personal connections have helped you understand your life and your world a bit more?  Will you be able to use these to create a more complete and satisfying life for yourself?  What pieces of your personal puzzle are still missing – or no longer fit?

Colette Baron-Reid, a life coach and spiritual medium, often talks about our ability to “course-correct” at any moment we choose. We perform this course-correction when we are truly present in the Now.  This is a great way of saying we have free will and can choose a new direction, reaction or response to whatever life presents to us.  At any moment, we can choose another way of thinking, feeling, doing and being, that takes us closer to our personal truth, dreams, goals and life purpose.  What a concept!   Another way of putting it, we are in the driver’s seat of our personal “magic bus”.

As the seasons shift from the freedom of summer to the routines of autumn, be sure to take time to reflect upon where you’ve been, where you are now and where you want to go. All experiences hold lessons for our growth and development.  The Autumn Equinox (September 21/22nd) denotes the time when Nature comes back into balance.  Equal day and Equal night. Equal female and Equal male.

So too, we can help ourselves to come back to balance – to Center – once again.

The full moon in September is known as Harvest Moon; a time for giving thanks for things we have received. The harvest can be of tangible things, such as our food, shelter, work and relationships with others. The harvest can also be of intangible things such as personal growth, strength, obstacles that have been overcome. Giving thanks for gifts received always multiplies them. Focusing on what is positive instead of negative attracts more of the same to us.

As your personal vision becomes clearer, you can decide if and when you need a “course-correction” in your life.  You have the opportunity to challenge and change direction at any moment.  It need not be a huge course-correction, as little steps will make a difference too. Use the power of the changing seasons to help determine what your best life course looks like.  Then love yourself enough to set your course to reach your personal destination.  If done with the highest intentions for the highest good, you will be on the right path.

Reflections on Caring, Curing and Healing

Reflections on Caring, Curing and Healing

As this is my 40th anniversary in nursing, I have been reflecting upon what it is to be a nurse.  Nursing is still an art and science, but it is not a career for everyone.  There is a fine line between helping someone in pain and taking on someone else’s pain.  Empathy was the cornerstone of my early hospital training as it helped our nursing class to better understand and respond to a patient’s situation, concerns and pain.  We were also taught that maintaining good personal boundaries was important, so that we didn’t enter into a rescuer relationship with anyone.  It was pointed out that if we tried to “fix or rescue” someone, it was our need, not the patient’s need, that was being triggered.  This is not the true focus of the therapeutic relationship – it is meant to focus on the patient’s needs.  We were not there to Fix a patient;  we were there to Care for a patient.  Care with all your heart, without losing yourself or harming the patient.

There were always patients who tugged at your heartstrings more than others.  There were always patients who mirrored your family and friends – both those you loved and those you didn’t.  There were patients who seemed to have the same life experiences and situations as us.  We were taught that as nurses, we would need to be even more mindful of our reactions and responses in these situations.  The psychology folks call this  “transference – counter-transference”.  And so the lessons on caring versus fixing (or curing) became real.  Some days it was easier than others to remember and carry out this lesson.

Some things have changed over time.  Our society is becoming more high-tech and low-touch.  Yet during times of stress, illness or impending death, there is still a place for respectful, supportive, caring human touch that technology just can’t duplicate.  A hand on the shoulder, a gentle hug, a smile, a soothing massage or simply holding hands in silence can convey more support or understanding than any emoj or tweet could ever hope to.  When the touch is genuine, there is a message of loving kindness sent that can set the stage for comfort or healing to occur.

In her book,  The Blossoming Heart, Dr. Robbi Zeck describes the difference between healing and curing.

”  … Healing involves education, re-assessment, changing many of the conditions under which we are living and re-examining the structure of our lives.  In time, I came to understand that if life is holding us back, we may need to question our habits, desires, behaviours and even our relationships. 

Healing requires that we keep on examining everything until we find our own truth and discard everything that clutters our lives. Clutter comes in many forms.  The unseen clutter, lurking hidden in our psyche, can be the most difficult to shift.  clutter of the mind can include worry, concern about what others think of us, negative thinking, needing to be right and focusing on things that aren’t really important.  … Our minds and our bodies benefit from periodic sorting and sifting through what is important.  This can be a positive step towards embracing stillness and “time to be”.

Curing, on the other hand, aims to restore a person to function or wholeness after the onset of illness and disease.  Curing addresses toxins, invasions, degeneration, endotoxins and so on.  Healing enables us to find resources that allow us to celebrate life, despite illness and disease.  Healing pushes us towards a wholeness that is a process as well as a creative response.  We can have a disease and not be ill. We can be ill without having a disease. Illness can also be about spiritual discomfort;  it can cause illness.  When not connected to our spiritual path we are unable to utilize our spiritual resources.”   p.35

In my 40 years of nursing, I’ve come to understand that doctors cure, nurses care and the process of healing belongs to the patient/client.  My role, as I see it, is to offer care for the body, mind and spirit so that the patient/client can engage in their healing process.  I will continue to use empathy, support, respectful touch, prayer, health information, holistic modalities, meditation, art and science to help others achieve their highest health and healing potential.  Ultimately the act of healing is their work.  But the act of caring is mine.  That aspect of nursing will not change for me.

Freedom in the Summer

Freedom in the Summer

There is a definite feeling of freedom in the summer air.  Watch, listen and smile as you notice signs of freedom around you.  You’ll hear it in the roar of the motorcycles out on a road trip. You’ll see it in the carefree way the children ride their bikes and swish along on their skateboards, trying new tricks to dazzle us.  Clothes are less restrictive, allowing for free flow of air around and through them.  The sound of flip-flops remind us that the beach or a swimming pool is close by. And the eagles are soaring above – pointing the way to infinity.

Freedom isn’t really a place, it’s more of a state of mind and a way of being.  To feel free means we have the courage, desire and commitment to just be ourselves. Authentic. Honest. What you see is who I am.  Comfortable with who we are and how we live in this world. What a concept!

We are born into this world as free beings.  We are absolutely perfect and quite enough.  As we grow up, something changes.  We are told we need to do more, be more and try harder~longer~faster.  Somehow the expansiveness we came into this world with, shrinks.  We soon become insecure, perfectionistic and/or victimized. Or we become arrogant, abusive and/or controlling. The free spirit we were born with never really shines through.  But it is not gone!  It can return with a choice to expand ourselves and our world. Reach out, reach up and reach within to find and encourage our creativity, compassion, curiosity and confidence. Our freedom lies within us!

The writer-philosopher-guru Osho describes three dimensions of freedom as being Physical, Psychological and Spiritual. He has some interesting things to say about freedom:
 Freedom means the capability to say yes when yes is needed, to say no when no is needed, and sometimes keep quiet when nothing is needed – to be silent, not to say anything.  When all these dimensions are available, there is freedom.”

“Freedom is possible only when you are so integrated that you can take the responsibility of being free.  The world is not free because people are not mature…  You can have freedom.  But the cost is to accept responsibility in its totality.”

“Freedom is simply an opportunity to find a definition for yourself, a true, authentic individuality, and a joy in making the world around you a little better, a little more beautiful…”

“True freedom is always spiritual.  It has something to do with your innermost being, which cannot be chained, handcuffed or put into a jail.”

“What exactly is the innermost substance of freedom?  That you are free from the past, that you are free from the future…  Neither the past exists nor the future exists.  All that you have in your hands is the present. And one who lives in the present, unburdened of past and future, knows the taste of freedom.”

Summer is a great time to reflect upon how you express and experience your own freedom. Is there something that holds you back from being free to be you?  Once you know what holds you back, you have a chance to change it for your betterment.  Make the choice to be a free being and notice how the Universe supports your efforts for expansion, creativity and freedom. Understanding, non-judgment, contentment, respect for self and others are some the positive outcomes of true freedom.  What a gift for yourself and the world!

The Phoenix is Rising

The Phoenix is Rising

It seems everywhere I look these days, I’m reminded in some way of the story of the Phoenix. In native cultures, the Phoenix is also known as the Thunderbird.  Looking back over the historical significance of this image, it is interesting to see how this image is coming to life in the life journeys of many folks right now.  Perhaps it is similar for you, too.

We can thank Harry Potter for bringing the Phoenix back to our attention.  Anyone who has seen the movies or read the books understands what happens when the Phoenix rises, falls, then rises again.  Each time the Phoenix falls, it rebuilds and reorganizes itself  from its ashes, bringing with it new insights, skills and personal power. This powerful symbol of birth, death and rebirth can be found in some form or another in many cultures around the world.  The cycle can refer to physical, emotional, spiritual changes, challenges and aspects of our life – or all of them at once!

According to Sun Bear and Wabun in their book, The Medicine Wheel: Earth Astrology,  they describe Thunderbird as follows:

” In Native American tradition, those associated with the Thunderbird Clan are always actively glowing with the radiant energy of the sun. They have the capacity to purify themselves and those they touch by reducing matter or spirit to its basic components and then rebuilding with what proves to be real.  Their energy is constantly burning within them and usually shining through to those around them.  They have the power to bring change, but this change comes from contact with the power that is at their core.  They must for a time bring things within their light in order to change them. 

Thunderbird people are doers, looking for new things in which to be active.  They always seem to be involved in beginning new projects .. in making new trails for others to follow.  They keep turning to their inner fire to find the proper path for them to take.  They have strong intuitive energy and know enough to use it for guidance.”

The process of self-reflection, inner child work and gaining insights into our thoughts, feelings and behaviours is a bit like the flight of the Phoenix.  When we dismantle all the old patterns that really don’t serve our health and happiness and replace these with real truths about ourselves and our world,  we can build upon a stronger personal foundation.  From this place, we can assert our personal power more effectively. With this comes a new understanding of the need for self-acceptance,  kindness and love.   By transforming our thoughts, feelings and beliefs we begin the transformation of our relationship with ourselves.  And as this evolves, so does our outer world.

Over time, we come to understand that in our life there are certain times and challenges that can only be resolved by completely surrendering to the transformative process.   This requires courage, strength and faith that, as the Phoenix and Thunderbird show us, this process is for our higher good.  If we can learn the lessons, if we can be receptive to the new ways of thinking, feeling and being, if we can love who we are unconditionally, we will be well on our way to developing Wisdom.

Wisdom is something you can’t learn from a book.  It is something we get from living life, asking and answering the tough questions, and ultimately using these experiences to evolve.  And it is never over!  As the saying goes,  “Life is a journey, not a destination!”  Enjoy the flight.

Healing Through ACOA

Healing Through ACOA

The mind has time to wander and wonder while walking along a beautiful beach.  Connections and realizations seem to occur more easily when Nature is your companion. Here is how my mind “wandered and wondered” while on a recent vacation.

What do Antigua, Eliot Ness and Rutgers University have in common?  What about Eric Clapton, Al Capone and Dr. Janet Woititz?  The connections will become evident shortly!

While on vacation in Antigua, my husband read a biography on Eliot Ness (yes, he really did exist and he really went after gangsters and the organized crime syndicate).  The book revealed it was estimated that in the late 1890’s and early 1900’s, the average consumption of alcohol was 90 gallons per year, per person. If a gallon is approximately 4 litres, then each person consumed approximately 360 litres per year.  That’s almost 1 litre of alcohol a day!  The devastation this level of consumption played on the family and community was highlighted, in part, by the efforts of the Temperance Society.  Their action was one of the factors that led to the Prohibition Era.

During Prohibition, Al Capone made a lot of money bootlegging and smuggling alcohol throughout the States. So although no one was supposed to drink alcohol, a lot of people could still get their booze through illegal sources.  The consumption rate went down slightly, but never actually stopped.  So all the issues associated with alcohol use, abuse and addiction continued on.  And although Eliot Ness got Al Capone in the end, the bootlegging and smuggling never stopped.

Fast forward to this month. While walking on an Antiguan beach, I recalled that many years ago, Eric Clapton gifted the island of Antigua with an addictions recovery facility called Crossroads.  It is a place where anyone can go to get clean and sober and set a healthier course for their life.  Anyone from outside the island must pay for their treatment program, but Mr. Clapton has ensured that any Antiguan wanting to detox and recover can do so, free of charge. It occurred to me that the cycle of alcohol abuse and addiction in North America has lasted more than 130 years.  We would be hard-pressed to find anyone who has not been affected in some way by someone addicted to alcohol.  How has this affected families from generation to generation?

In her 1976 Doctoral Dissertation at Rutgers University, Janet Woititz explored “Self-Esteem in Children of Alcoholics” This then led to further investigations into how the self-perceptions of these children change as they move into adulthood.  Without interventions to help these adults change their self-perceptions to something more positive and empowering, they continue to exhibit low self-esteem, feel discouraged or depressed, believe themselves to be unlovable and unloved and have a sense of isolation from others.  They also have difficulty expressing their feelings and can be so preoccupied with anxiety that they truly can’t connect honestly or comfortably with others.

In her 1983 book, Adult Children of Alcoholics, Dr. Woititz describes the adult child of an alcoholic as being affected and has reacted in ways that those who are not adult children of alcoholics may not have. She found there are certain generalizations that can describe these adult children.  Here are some of her original findings:

  • Adult children of alcoholics (ACOA) guess at what normal behaviour is
  • ACOA have difficulty following a project through from beginning to end
  • ACOA judge themselves without mercy
  • ACOA have difficulty having fun
  • ACOA take themselves very seriously
  • ACOA over-react to changes over which they have no control
  • ACOA constantly seek approval and affirmation
  • ACOA are super responsible or super irresponsible
  • ACOA are extremely loyal, even in the face of evidence that the loyalty is undeserved

From her work, a network of support groups has sprung up around the world.  The current support programs help people achieve “emotional sobriety” – a way of functioning that helps them get their needs met in healthy, helpful ways.  It also helps them reprogram those low self-esteem issues and negative self-perceptions that they have held from childhood onward.  It is as if they are detoxing generations of emotional pain and suffering so that they can lead happier healthier lives now.  And so can their children.

The current ACOA programs are actually open to ANYONE who grew up in a dysfunctional home.  It was found that many of the issues, emotional traumas and relationship difficulties of ACOA were also true for those who grew up in households where there was gambling, drug abuse, over-eating, chronic illness, profound religious attitudes, were adopted, lived in foster care or in other potentially dysfunctional systems.  There is help and hope for these folks and their families, too, through the ACOA support groups and programs.

And all this came to mind because of a book, a beach, a guitar hero, a gangster and a university doctoral student who asked the right questions at the right time.