Someone who feels beaten, broken and at their low point can often wonder if things will ever get better.  “Will I ever feel good again? “, is a thought that plays over and over in their minds.  For some, the journey to regain their hope and happiness seems too difficult. Why bother?  I can’t do it. Just give in and give up. For others, they dig deep into themselves and call upon something that offers courage, strength and hope for a better tomorrow.  They know that if they can feel it, they can be it. 

Outer circumstances may seem overwhelming and impossible, but their inner voice says, “You can do it!  You can find your way back! You have everything you need to overcome this!”  And the more they listen to this inner message, the stronger they get and the more determined they are to take positive action to make positive changes. Slowly, yet steadily, they find their way back. And the experience of going from the darkest of times to the triumph over those dark days offers knowledge, skills and wisdom. If ever they find themselves in that difficult place again, they remember that they came back from it before. They remember what it took to come back. And so, they begin to take action and make the changes needed and eventually return to a state of balance and wellness. This is the Gift of Resiliency – the wisdom to know how to return to your place of health, happiness, hope and strength.

Resiliency is not something you are born with.  It is a quality that must be developed and used over time.  It requires having life experiences that test your faith, courage and self-respect.  How you choose to respond to these experiences is always your choice.  Those who are “resilient” will choose thoughts, actions and feelings that offer a sense of hope instead of hopelessness.  A sense of victory instead of victimized.  A sense of connection instead of isolation. A sense of abundance instead of lack. An attitude of gratitude instead of ungratefulness. A sense of ebb and flow, understanding that life is in constant motion, so moving with it allows for change to occur. We won’t just survive – we will thrive!

We are all “tested”, here on Earth.  No question about it!  These “tests” come to us in order to challenge our beliefs, values, emotions and behaviour.  We are faced with tragedy, loss, humiliation, abandonment, manipulation and many other events which “test” our strength, courage and self-respect.  They “test” our faith, values, self-worth and abilities. Yet by rising to meet and overcome each “test” we show ourselves and the World that we are capable, courageous, tenacious and a person of worth.  In fact, we are Amazing!  We will thrive because we have and use the Gift of Resiliency.