The Law of Attraction and Other Things
As the Current Year comes to a close, we often begin thinking of personal resolutions for the New Year. If we consider what the Law of Attraction teaches, we may be more successful in creating and achieving our resolutions. This Universal Law can assist with every aspect of our life and if applied with the mindset and passion required of us, positive results are achievable. So, what exactly is this Law of Attraction?
It is essential to understand that what we think and how we feel have energetic vibrations and we emit these vibrations constantly. The Law of Attraction works like a magnet. It registers the energetic vibrations of what we are thinking and feeling, then goes looking in the Universe for other thoughts and feelings that are energetically similar. Once found, these similar thoughts and feelings are brought back to us. You receive the essence of what you are thinking and feeling – whether it is something you want or don’t want. It is the energetic vibrational pattern that makes this all happen.
What you give thought to something (wanted or unwanted), you begin to invite it into your life experience. The longer you stay focused upon what you do not want, the greater and more powerful that thought will become. But by choosing a thought that feels slightly better than the thoughts you’ve been thinking, you can gradually change the direction of your thoughts. The Law will respond to that better thought and the response will be more positive for you in both your thoughts and feelings. See it as a “course correction” for your personal GPS. For instance, focusing on a solution brings you positive feelings while focusing on a problem brings you negative feelings. When you are feeling positive feelings, you are attracting that which you want (solutions). When you are feeling negative feelings, you are attracting that which you don’t want (problems).
Giving your attention to something increases your potential for attracting it. The more vivid the details, the more likely you will attract it. See it, hear it, feel it, smell it, taste it, welcome it, dance with it, build it, hold it as if it is already here in your life. Attention and emotion will fuel the energetic vibration you send out. The Law will seek it in the Universal Field and return it to you once found. Just ensure that it is truly what you want – and that you are open and ready to receive it when it appears. If you decide that it isn’t really what you wanted, it is okay to change your thoughts and feelings on this. The Universe will try again for you!
There is another Universal Law in effect when we are manifesting. It is called The Law of Creation. It has two important aspects, one being the Desire for Creation and the other being the Allowing of the Creation. Both influence our emotional state of being. And as we’ve seen, thoughts and feelings are both needed in order to put the Law of Attraction to work.
How can we use this information when it comes to creating New Year’s Resolutions?
Take time to understand what you truly want for the coming year. Deep in your heart, what is the wish or wishes you have for yourself? Be clear and be honest with yourself. Write it/them down using positive words, present tense, and exact wording (nothing fluffy or vague). Then when you are ready, speak your words out loud – repeatedly. Quietly at first, then louder and louder. Feel every cell in your body vibrate with the words and desire of your dreams and requests. Feel the power of your thoughts and emotions infused in your words that you speak. Send out your positive intentions and requests with passion.
Once you feel you have sent out all that you need to, give thanks to the Universe for listening and accepting your petition. There is much power in the act of gratefulness. Also, agree to allowing the Universe to deliver your petition to you as you are willing to accept it.
Please know that this process need not be relegated only to New Years resolutions. You can engage with the Law of Attraction at any time you wish! And as often as you wish! The Universe is limitless as is its energy. There is more than enough for everyone.
So, what does your heart wish for today?
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