Guidance from Above

Guidance from Above

Sometimes I’m asked about the concept of Ascended Masters. The idea can be confusing and a bit frightening if one doesn’t have proper information. Some people have thought that these Masters were being glorified as one would do so for God or the Divine Universal Energy (or insert the word that works for you), and therefore worried that this constituted a blasphemous act. The Masters are not God nor are they from any one religious background. They are spiritual beings working at sharing their knowledge and skills to help us be closer to God and to become better people.

According to Doreen Virtue Ph.D, Ascended Masters are great spiritual teachers and healers. Most of them lived as humans on Earth at some time, so they have a particular leaning towards helping humans learn to live life to the fullest and in service to God/Universal Energy/your word for it. These Masters or Guides come from every religion and culture, making them nondenominational. Everyone can access them for guidance – you don’t need special training. All that is needed is a willingness to become a better person to yourself and others.

Looking through Doreen Virtue’s Ascended Masters Guidebook, I thought I’d share some of the descriptions she has for a few of these Masters/Guides:

Oshun – an African goddess of rivers and waters. She helps women appreciate and enjoy their feminine beauty and sensuality. Both men and women can call upon Oshun to help with their romantic life, increased attractiveness and self-esteem.

St. Francis of Assisi – he was born to a wealthy Italian cloth merchant but later renounced his inheritance to follow an ascetic, spiritual path. As he volunteered in hospitals and ministered to the sick, he gained followers who eventually became the Franciscans. He can be called upon to help in situations where your family or friends don’t understand your choices or spiritual path.

Quan Yin – the Buddhist goddess of compassion whose name means, “ she who hears all prayers.” At her mortal death, Quan Yin was eligible for Buddhahood, yet she decided to stay close to Earth and help all humans until everyone became enlightened. Call upon her to help with issues of forgiveness and compassion. She is also a protectress of women and children and helps awaken musical interests and abilities.

White Buffalo Calf Woman – a prophetess who appeared to the Lakota Native Americans. She presented the Lakota with a special pipe to amplify the power of their prayers and to bridge the connection between Earth and Heaven. Call upon her to instill peace and harmony in your relationships and for world peace.

Merlin – no one knows for certain whether Merlin actually lived as a mortal man or not. What is agreed upon is that he is the quintessential magician and sage-wizard archetype. He is associated with King Arthur’s Camelot, Avalon and Glastonbury. He’s also considered to be an aspect of Hermes Trismegistus, the teacher of esoteric wisdom. He helps spiritual teachers and healers focus their energies in beneficial ways.

And the list goes on. Perhaps now it is clearer that the Ascended Masters are not to be feared, but rather enlisted for their help in attaining our goals and becoming closer to God/Divine Universal Energy/ your word for it. They can be called upon to be your spiritual consultants as you walk your path on Earth. And they are on call every minute of the day!

Gone to the Birds

Gone to the Birds

Here on the West Coast, we are blessed with such a variety of flying, feathered friends. It’s hard not to notice the many birds coming out of hiding, so to speak, in response to the warm spring weather we’ve been experiencing lately. With the awe and amazement generated by their presence and actions,  I turned to Ted Andrews for some information and explanations.  Here are a few ideas from his book, Animal-Speak:  The Spiritual & Magical Powers of Creatures Great & Small .

“Birds are the primary symbols for the Initiation of Air.  This initiation reflects a period in which you begin to open to higher knowledge and wisdom, with an increased ability and opportunity to use it to raise yourself up.  The Initiation of Air is the learning to open more fully to Divine ideas,  ideas that link normal consciousness to the universal.  It speaks of opportunity to develop and manifest the highest forms of intuition.  If left undeveloped, it will manifest in lower forms of psychism.  The Initiation to Air is the opening to realms beyond physical time and space.

Through this Initiation you learn to understand and control the workings of the mind.  This understanding does not come through a mere collection of knowledge.  It is understanding based on higher wisdom and sensitivity, found in transmuting psychic perceptions into spiritual intuition.

Air is what separates Heaven and Earth.  It is the realm of birds, who move easily between both.  Air and birds are thus a link between your own spirituality and your physical consciousness.

Air in motion is a force.  It is the wind.   This wind and the ability to fly and soar upon it resides within the mind.  Birds reflect the archetypal energies most actively playing upon the mind, while also reminding you to learn to ride those winds.  They remind you that you can fly if you learn to use your own wings, your inspiration, creativity and your intuition.”

Further in his book, he lists some of the symbolic qualities of birds. Here are a few of his birds as examples to consider:

Canary – Healing power of sound, heightened sensitivity
Chickadee – Sacred number is 7,  seeker of truth & knowledge
Crow – Intelligence, watchfulness, magical, past-life connections
Duck – Maternal, graceful and comforting, protective
Hawks – Primal life force, fulfillment, spring and fall equinoxes
Owl – Silent wisdom, nocturnal vision, healing powers, the mystery of magic
Swan – Sensitive, emotional, dreamer and mystic, longevity

Here is hoping that you find the time to enjoy moments with our feathered friends.
They are truly a connection to the Heavens.

Did you know ...

  • The Sacral Chakra is associated with the colour Orange, the musical note D and the qualities of creativity, sexuality, enthusiasm, pure joy
  • The Heart Chakra is associated with the colours Green and Pink, the musical note F and the qualities of unconditional love, forgiveness, transformation and healing
  • Air Element is associated with crystals such as fluorite, labradorite, lapis lazuli and celestite
The Family Trap

The Family Trap

Everyone knows someone who has an addiction problem. It could be an addiction to cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, prescription medications, sex, shopping, eating or just about anything else that fills their need. The statistics are telling. What isn’t always told is the toll the addiction problem takes on immediate family members. In many cases, it is truly too much for folks to handle. It can leave family members feeling alone, helpless and hopeless. Interestingly, these are often the very same emotions that the person with the addiction is also experiencing.

In the 1980’s, Sharon Wegsheider-Cruse created a family counseling model called The Family Trap to help people see what role they were playing in a family having a chemical dependent member. Over the years, Sharon has updated this original version, although the major tenets remain intact. Her model has become a tool used not only in addictions counseling and detox programs, but has also been used by business, governments and other health care providers. She has also presented this counseling model on several television shows.

Sharon views the family as a dynamic organism in which each member affects the health and happiness of the others. The family is an organism having interdependent parts which work in a system. This system works together, sometimes for peace and harmony, sometimes for destruction and at other times for survival. In a family where there is stress, the whole family system gradually shifts to bring balance, stability or survival.

In a chemically dependent family, each of the individual parts is affected by the growing dysfunction of the addict. Each family member adapts to the behavior of the addict by developing behavior that causes the least amount of personal stress. Just as the addict is suffering from self-delusion in regard to the use of the chemical, so are the family members suffering from self-delusion. As the addiction progresses, each family member compulsively represses his/her feelings and learns to react with a survival behavior. The behavior serves to build a wall of defenses for protection from pain. These defenses are psychological, emotional and behavioural in nature.

The Chemically Dependent Person has an inner core of true feelings which are covered up by a wall of defenses; this creates the trap of self-delusion. The true feelings found at the inner core are: pain, hurt, guilt, shame and fear. The wall of defenses needed to block these feelings includes: anger, charm, rigidity, aggression, righteousness, grandiosity and perfectionism

People living around the dependent person are living with both messages coming from the dependent. There are the internal messages which are uncomfortable sensations coming from the repressed feelings and then there are the obvious set of defenses which are seen and heard by each family member. Because of the system’s need for balance, each family member begins to respond to the dependent from a double level position. Family members begin to repress their feelings and also develop a set of defenses to protect them from further pain. Each family member finds a survival role. Because the repressed inner core feelings are unavailable to the dependent, there is very little chance that the rest of the family will be any more aware of their own feelings. This growing action/reaction of the dependent and the family is a self-deluded process. The family grows more out of touch with reality. As the compulsion grows between the dependent and the addictive substance/behavior, so does the compulsion grow between the dependent’s behavior and the family’s reaction.

The primary compulsion between the dependent and the addictive chemical/behavior can be described as: 1. Primary 2. Progressive 3. Chronic 4. Potentially fatal

What is a secondary compulsion in the family system becomes a primary compulsion for each family member. Each becomes locked into a set of rigid survival defenses and needs help to become aware of these compulsive behavior patterns.

Survival roles within this system can be characterized as: • Chief Enabler – often a spouse, parent, friend or co-worker whose primary role is to provide responsibility to the system • Family Hero – often the school jock, company man, social nice gal/guy whose primary role is to provide self-worth to the system • Family Scapegoat – often the school problem, company trouble maker, or social jerk whose primary role is to offer distraction and focus to the system • Family Lost Child – often the school day-dreamer, company drone, or social loner whose primary role is to offer relief to the system • Family Mascot – often the school clown, company joker or social cut-up whose primary role is to offer fun and humor to the system

Because of the wall of defenses each person creates, it is difficult for these folks to truly feel and express their inner core emotions. Each family member gets locked into these survival patterns. They work well within the family to offer protection from the growing pain. But because of the self-delusion and compulsive nature of these behavior patterns, the family member takes this behavior into every other relationship. The wall of defenses and repressed feelings now become a primary problem for each family member.

Breaking down the wall of delusions and recognizing and expressing the true inner core feelings are not only necessary for the dependent person, but also for each family member if a return to authentic living is to be achieved. Nothing is impossible. But it starts with acknowledging the situation and one’s part in it.

At the Natural Comfort Wellness Centre, we offer several energetic and aromatic services that help people to gently break down their wall of defenses and begin to acknowledge and express their true feelings. Once the inner core feelings have been acknowledged and released, there is an opportunity for personal growth, self-appreciation, love and inner peace. It takes one step at a time. Let us help you find your way “home”

Chakra Basics

Chakra Basics

We refer to “chakras ” in many of our articles and when performing treatment sessions here at the Centre.  But some clients are not familiar with their meanings. Here is a quick reference guide to chakra basics, what they are and what they do.  Thanks to Anodea Judith’s website for this information. (her book, Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System , is available in our Retail Store)

Chakra is a Sanskrit word for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers existing within the subtle body which overlays the physical body. Modern physiology has verified that these seven chakras correspond exactly to the seven main nerve ganglia branching from the spinal column. Chakras also correlate to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, colours, sounds, body functions and more.

From bottom to top, the chakras are as follows:

Root Chakra – located at the base of the spine
Associated with Earth Element, Physical Identity, Self-Preservation.
Forms our Foundation; related to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane.
When open and balanced: Health, security, prosperity and presence.
Colour:  Red

Sacral Chakra – located just below the navel and in lower back
Associated with Water Element, Emotions and Sexuality.
Connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation and movement.
When open and balanced:  Grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment and ability to accept change.
Colour:  Orange

Solar Plexus Chakra – located in the solar plexus (stomach) area
Associated with Fire Element, Ego Identity, Self-Definition.
Personal power, will and autonomy,  metabolism.
When open and balanced: Energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, non-dominating power.
Colour:  Yellow cialis generika kaufen

Heart Chakra – middle of chest, in heart area
Associated with Air Element, Social Identity, Self-Acceptance.
Related to love;  integrates the opposites in the psyche.
When open and balanced: Love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.
Colour:  Green (physical)  Pink  (emotional)

Throat Chakra – located in the throat
Associated with Sound, Creative Identity, Self-Expression.
Communication and creativity.
Experience the world symbolically through vibration using language.
When open and balanced: Can speak one’s Truth, creative, connected.
Colour:  Blue

Third-Eye (Brow) Chakra – located on forehead, between/above eyebrows
Associated with Light, Archetypal Identity, Self-Reflection.
Seeing both physically and intuitively.
Opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels.
When open and balanced:  See clearly on all levels.
Colour:  Indigo

Crown Chakra – top of head
Associated with Universal Thought, Universal Identity, Self-Knowledge.
Relates to consciousness as pure awareness.
Connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing.
When open and balanced:  Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection and bliss.
Colour:  Violet

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Mind and Meditation

Mind and Meditation

Every spiritual and wisdom tradition in history has recommended some kind of meditation. This has, unfortunately, created the impression that it is solely a religious activity.  In actual fact, meditation is an activity to help calm the mind and harness its natural pristine clarity.  In Kathleen McDonald’s book, How To Meditate: A Practical Guide,  she explains things this way:

“The mind is a nonphysical kind of energy, and its function is to know, to experience.   It is awareness itself. It is clear in nature and reflects everything that it experiences, just as a still lake reflects the surrounding mountains and forests.

Mind changes from moment to moment. It is a beginningless continuum, like an ever-flowing stream:  the previous mind-moment gave rise to this mind-moment, which gives rise to the next mind-moment, and so on.  It is the general name given to the totality of our conscious and unconscious experiences:  each of us is the centre of a world of thoughts, perceptions, feelings, memories and dreams – all of these are Mind.

Mind is not a physical thing that has thoughts and feelings;  it is those very experiences.   Being nonphysical, it is different from the body, although mind and body are interconnected and interdependent.  Mind – consciousness is carried through our body by subtle physical energies which also control our movement and vital functions.  This relationship explains why, for example, physical sickness and discomfort can affect our state of mind and why, in turn, mental attitudes can both give rise to and heal physical problems.

Subduing the mind and bringing it to the right understanding of reality is no easy task .  It requires a slow and gradual process of listening to and reading explanations of the mind and the nature of things;  thinking about and carefully analyzing this information; and finally transforming the mind through meditation.

Meditation is an act of mental consciousness .  It involves one part of the mind observing, analyzing, and dealing with the rest of the mind. Techniques have different functions and benefits and each is a part of the process of bringing our mind to a more realistic view of ourselves and the world. Meditation can take many forms:  concentrating single pointedly on an internal object, trying to understand a personal problem, generating a joyful love for all humanity, praying to an object of devotion, communicating with our own inner wisdom, and so on.  Its ultimate aim is to awaken a very subtle level of consciousness and to use it to discover reality, directly and intuitively.”

When you realize just what meditation can do for health, healing, happiness and inner peace ,  it is no wonder that more and more people are learning and taking advantage of this activity.  It can be employed anywhere, anytime you wish.  Start today and harness your mind’s potential.