As the New Year begins, we have an opportunity to course-correct anything that we believe is no longer helpful, healthful or joyous in our lives. “Course-correct” is a term used by Colette Baron-Reid to describe any decision or action we take to go away from...
The Aura and Energy Fields
All matter is made up of molecules which spin; this creates a bio-magnetic-electrical field. The speed at which molecules spin and move depends upon the density of the matter they are creating. Objects that are solid in nature, vibrate at a slower rate than those...
The Four Elements
In Earth-based spiritual beliefs, life is said to have the four creative energies of the universe at work: earth, air, fire and water. Each is necessary for human life. All have positive and negative aspects and are checks and balances for each other to help sustain...
Embracing the Promise of Spring
From our earliest days, Springtime has meant renewal, rebirth and new beginnings. Look to Nature for proof of the ever-present cycle of birth, death and rebirth in our world. It's in our gardens, forests and fields. It's in the flora, fauna and fish. And it has...
New Course for the New Year
New Year and a new view of ourselves and life direction. The 2020 covid scare had many of us coming face to face with our deepest thoughts, regrets and emotions. No longer able to coast along on "auto-pilot" and with our usual distractions reduced for extended time...
Wisdom From the Past
It has been 14 years since Rhonda Byrne wrote a book entitled "The Secret". And from that point, millions of people were introduced to the concept of The Law of Attraction and how it plays out in our world. Within this book, she quoted people from many walks of life...
Taking Stock of Your Life
Inventory is about taking stock. We "take stock" when we truly examine what we have, what we had and what needs to be adjusted, shifted or simply thrown out because it does not support us or is no longer good for us.. Taking stock is something that takes time and...
Transformation – Work and Wonder
The word "transformation" is being used in many situations, by many people these days. Yet many do not understand what this really means. It is a process, not a destination, that takes us from one form to another. One understanding to another. One connection to...
Our Needs and Self-actualization
Human development is a process of needs being met or not met. People satisfy the lower levels of basic physical needs like hunger, safety and belonging before they are able to pay attention to upper levels of needs. The upper levels of needs are based upon inner...
As the demand for strict social isolation is loosening it is time to begin resurfacing in our communities and beyond. Time to "leave the nest" and venture out into the world. And when we emerge, we see a similar but different world from before. Line ups to do...
How Does Your Garden Grow?
With Spring in full swing, it is hard to ignore the capacity for resiliency and rebirth that our gardens show us. Only a few weeks ago, there were twigs and bare patches of dirt looking up at a us. We have been anxious to see what, if anything, survived the winter. ...
The Gift of Trauma
The world is on a major reset due to a virus that nobody saw coming. How could we have prepared for something that came swiftly out of left field? Truth is: we couldn't have. All around the world, people have had to make adjustments to their work, love and play. ...