As the New Year begins, we have an opportunity to course-correct anything that we believe is no longer helpful, healthful or joyous in our lives.  “Course-correct” is a term used by Colette Baron-Reid to describe any decision or action we take to go away from something not for our highest good and go towards something that is better for us.  It is a term I like to use as it is an empowering description and action.  It is something that is under our personal control – not imposed upon us by some outside force, situation or person.  And we can course-correct at any given moment – in every second, we have opportunity to choose better for ourselves.

Traditionally, New Years is a time when we reflect back upon the previous year and assess what worked or didn’t work for us.  Then, we promise ourselves to be better. This is the idea of making “New Year Resolutions” so that we continue what works and change what doesn’t work.  Most resolutions go by the wayside by mid to late February – they are usually too ambitious or unrealistic for us to sustain.  But the idea of making a course-correction is more palatable. It can be as subtle or blunt as we want.  For most people, making subtle, gentle changes over a period of time does not overwhelm – and they help get us closer to the goal we had hoped for ourselves

We can look at the New Year as a Blank Slate.  It is a blank canvas upon which we can paint a new beginning for ourselves.  Or enhance what we already enjoy about ourselves and our life.  The Blank Slate is a place of Potentiality.  That is, anything is possible!  When we look at that Blank Slate we have the opportunity to imagine the best for ourselves.  This image helps us to decide what subtle course-corrections we can make, to help get us to that image of our best life.

 In Sacred Geometry, this Blank Slate represents the tracing board or working surface of the geometer, ready for use but not yet marked in any way.  In meditation practices, the Blank Slate could refer to the Great Void – that place of silence and potential, where anything can be birthed into reality. To utilize the Blank Slate, we must be still in thought and action so we can connect with our inner space and the outer space where potentiality exists. Knowing what is truly in our highest good is where we start on the Blank Slate.

For many, this place of deep silence is frightening; it is a place to avoid.  It is a place of nothingness, waiting for the spark of creation to put into motion the first mark on the Blank Slate. Most of us need the distraction of mental chatter, media and other people because the silence is too hard to handle. The busyness and noise keep us from truly understanding and connecting to our inner being. Yet without that silence and nothingness, we cannot connect with our personal dream and being.  It is in those quiet moments that we can hear and see what our mind-body-spirit are asking for.  And by doing this, we have opportunity to decide upon the first mark placed on the Blank Slate.  This first mark is the subtle course-correction that we believe will help lead us to our personal dream.

Sometimes, it is a habit that needs to be adjusted.  Maybe it is negative self-talk or self-sabotaging behaviour that needs to be addressed.  It could be the need to change expectations of others or situations so that we aren’t feeling hurt, responsible, angry or victimized by them. Only you know what would help move you into a state of greater joy, health and harmony.  It doesn’t have to be overwhelming.  Just one subtle course-correction at a time will help you arrive at your destination.  So, what would you like to place upon your Blank Slate?