Working With the Moon’s Phases
There was a time when people worked closely with nature and natural events. Rituals and routines sprung up around these things as a way to assist folks with their daily tasks, dreams and life purpose. The predictable nature of the moon phases helped folks to focus on tasks that would be enhanced by the moon energy of that day. Today, the moon phases are most closely watched and followed by those engaged in nature-based spirituality and religions. Ask anyone following Wiccan traditions and they can tell you exactly what is happening in the skies and on Earth at any moment! Such is their bond and respect for nature and natural law.
The moon travels around the Earth in approximately 28 days – or in our time, 4 weeks. There are three moon phases that are observed most intently: New Moon ~ Full Moon ~Dark Moon. Throughout many cultures, the phases of the moon were uniquely tied to the feminine energy or goddesses If we were to assign an aspect of the Goddess-form to these phases, they would be Maiden ~ Mother ~ Grandmother. They appear, disappear and reappear in the cyclical manner as they’ve always done. Always have. Always will.
Let’s look at what each Moon Phase has to offer.
New Moon – associated with the Maiden (aka the Waxing Moon)
At New Moon, we are encouraged to set our goals and sights on things needing to come into being. If we need a fresh perspective on something, this is the time to explore and create something new. This is where ideas come to light and manifesting these ideas into form begins. New Moon is a time to begin new projects; to initiate any moves encountered with new jobs, homes, schools, etc.; honour any “first” event such as menstruation, getting pregnant, learning to walk/run/ride a bike. This phase is one of curiosity, independence and confidence. “Go for it”; “Get out of my way”. It is also a time of Potential – of what might be. “Dream it ~ Be it ~ Do it.”
The Maiden is her own person, knows who she is and dreams of the potential for what she can become. The sky is the limit, in her mind.
Full Moon – associated with the Mother
At Full Moon, we have had the advantage of the increasing lunar energy from New Moon until this point to help manifest our ideas and dreams. This is the time of Fruition. This is the high point in all cycles – living or creating. We have nurtured our plans in order to bring them to life. This Full Moon energy helps us whenever we need energy and guidance to finish creating something. As Mother energy, she loves us and wants us to be the best we can be. We can learn and develop a sense of responsibility, patience and self-discipline by having worked to bring our ideas and dreams into the world. These are great Life Lessons. But there is also a sense of joy and satisfaction in seeing our dreams and ideas come into being. Manifesting a goal, a family or a spiritual journey are some of the ways Full Moon and Mother goddess energies assist us.
Dark Moon – associated with the Grandmother (aka the Waning Moon)
After all the anticipation, action and emotion of manifesting has reached its climax, we turn to a quieter, yet incredibly powerful, moon energy associated with the Crone – the old, wise woman. You will sense it strongly by the time the last quarter of the moon is visible – technically called the Waning Moon. Time to get serious about what we’ve created – or what we have not created! This is a more inward-facing time as we take a longer, more discerning look at what we dreamed of and how far along we’ve come with making it real. A time for reassessment and brutal honesty. If we are not honest with what we’ve done, we are creating our dream on a rocky foundation. And because of this, at some point, all will be defaced, defeated or destroyed. If we must let go of something in order to create something better, then this is the time to do it. The Waning and Dark Moon deal with death and the end of cycles. This moon energy of the Crone helps when courage, understanding and action are required for any type of ending. It is there when we need to take a break to regroup, rest and recharge. The Crone is there when strong protection is needed from attacks. The energy of Dark Moon and the Crone assist when the deep Mysteries of Life, Death and Rebirth are needed to help us heal and grow.
The Crone Energy continues after the last quarter of the moon is no longer visible and the Dark Moon is in its complete darkness phase. This is where the real magic and mystery lives! These are the few days of total darkness before the light of the New Moon appears again. Total darkness of the moon symbolizes the Great Void, the Cauldron of Creation, the cosmic place where great stillness and silence allows for the dream to begin to form. Where ideas come forth to be dreamed into reality. When the upcoming New Moon can ignite the dreamer’s dream. Birth – Fruition – Death – Rebirth.
I sometimes think of it in gardening terms. Once the plants are done with their growth, flowering and/or fruiting, we take that which is not needed or no longer life-bearing and place it into the compost bin (the cauldron of creation). From that place of darkness, the magic within the bin turns these used up trimmings and old plant stocks into something new and vibrant – compost – which is then placed in the garden to offer nourishment and protection to the new growth. Birth – Fruition – Death – Rebirth.
Next time you look up in the sky, notice where the moon is on its journey around the Earth. Know that from the beginning of time, people around the world have gazed up at that same moon and have dreamed their dreams into reality. Magical, mystical and it’s all ours!
“It’s a marvelous night for a moon dance …” sing it, Van! (Morrison, that is)
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