Go With the Flow

Go With the Flow

It can be difficult accepting things and moving on.  Sometimes we are shown the next step, sometimes we are not. A place of inertia, indecision and/or hesitancy can greet us when we are faced with situations that challenge our sense of self, balance and the world we live in. The phrase, “Go with the Flow” is often easier said than done!

When we resist change, we set up tension between our mind ~ body ~ spirit. This tension, over time, can create difficulties with health (physical and mental), relationships and behaviour.  As tension mounts, our ability to positively cope with stress reduces. Healthy coping measures are often replaced with excessive use of drugs, alcohol, gambling, shopping, sex, violence or other unhealthy behaviours. These behaviours serve a purpose:  they distract from the tension we are experiencing, yet do so only for as long as we are engaged in that behaviour. The issues creating the tension are not effectively dealt with, so they remain with us. Over time, these unhealthy behaviours destroy our ability to successfully cope, which can lead to breakdowns in family relations, work performance and our own sense of self-esteem and self-worth.  If you thought you had tensions before, now you have even more to deal with!

The ”Go with the Flow” expression also points to another style of behaviour.  Those needing to control everything and everyone will find it difficult to be in the place of changes and unknowing. Their constant need to be in control will automatically trigger stress and tension when suddenly they are not the ones in control.  The need to control can have several root causes.  Fear of change and loss, not feeling safe, low self-esteem and worth, arrogance (which can be an overcompensation for low self-esteem), abuse survivor, child of a parent with addictions, are a few of the root causes identified.  If someone needing to be in control is not able to control the presenting situation or person, their mounting internal stress and tension can trigger even more harsh controlling words and behaviours (the word, “bully” comes to mind). And yes, it can get very ugly.  Relief is achieved only when the situation or person bows to their controlling demands.

So, what is needed here?

Early on, we need to learn and use many types of healthy coping skills.   A “coping skills tool-box” sets the foundation for being able to tolerate that place of change, loss and unknowing.  If one way of coping doesn’t work, you still have other healthy ways to use.  Unfortunately, most people rely on only one or two ways to cope with life’s twists and turns.  When these don’t work, it is very easy to turn to distraction or emotional numbing activities/substances. Short-term relief is possible, but long-term solutions and relief are buried.  So, broaden your healthy skills set!

Acknowledging that something is not under your control is a good step in understanding your role in the situation. It doesn’t mean that you have no power.  It means that you understand what your role is and that you have the power to decide how much time, energy, money or self-esteem you wish to spend trying to change the situation.  Sometimes, we need to allow a situation to “unfold” before we decide just how much we will offer to help. It is healthy to remember that it is not up to us to “fix” everything and everyone coming our way. Discernment helps us know when to jump in and when to stand back and watch the movie unfold.

Accepting that change, loss and uncertainty are part of our human existence helps to keep things in perspective.  It is the cycle of life:  birth ~ death ~ rebirth. When we can accept that there is a natural flow to life and accept that we are not always privy to the reasons behind the course taken by the flow, we are less likely to feel pressured to change its course. This is not to say that we sit idly by and just let things happen to us; we are not victims. Acceptance is not the same as Complacency.  Again, with Discernment as our guide, we take steps to reduce our tension and stress created by change, loss and uncertainty.  These steps support our health and well-being.  So, we learn to “Go with the Flow” in ways that maintain our health and wellbeing.

Everyone has a different waterway to manoeuvre in their lifetime.  It is set up uniquely for us in order to learn our Life Lessons. Yet there are many similarities between us with how these waterways can be navigated.  We decide if we navigate with healthy or unhealthy coping skills. When we can Acknowledge, Allow, Accept and Respond in healthy ways to life’s challenges, we give ourselves the best opportunity for health, healing and happiness. In other words, we give ourselves the Gift of Flow.

Ayurvedic Philosophy: 101

Ayurvedic Philosophy: 101

“Ayurveda is the world’s oldest recorded healing system.  Used for over 5000 years, it is a proven system of prevention and healing.  Ayurveda’s goal is to achieve health by working towards balance and harmony, not fighting disease. Prevention is emphasized over cure. Ayurveda recognizes the importance of physical balance, emotional release, mental health, environmental mindfulness and spiritual progression in the total health picture…. Using natural forces such as heat, cold, light, herbs, foods, minerals, exercise, and working with the mind and emotions through meditation, Ayurveda may be the basis of a global medicine, accessible and affordable to all.”

(p.7   Ayurveda and Aromatherapy by Drs. Light and Brian Miller)

Given the rise in today’s incidence of anxiety, depression, overt anger/aggression and life stressors across all age, gender, race and socioeconomic groups, it may be worth looking at how some of the basic tenets of Ayurveda could be helpful in relieving this suffering. At its core, Ayurvedic theory believes that health results from harmony within one’s self. To be healthy, harmony must exist between your purpose for being, your thoughts, your feelings and your physical actions.

For example:  Your purpose is peaceful, yet if your thoughts are fearful and your emotions negative, your physical body will manifest some dis-ease as a “wake-up call to change”. In Ayurveda, the manifestation of a disease is considered to be a good sign, because it reveals a previously hidden aspect of yourself – an aspect to be healed. Health is harmony within all aspects of self. This inner harmony also becomes manifest as harmony with family, friends, co-workers, society and Nature.

According to Dr. Light Miller, “The overall goal of Ayurveda is true freedom from death and disease; we are to experience the enjoyment of uninterrupted physical, mental and spiritual happiness and fulfillment. Enjoyment is one of life’s purposes! But you can lose your ability to enjoy if you over-indulge, and disease is one of Nature’s ways of saying you’ve over-indulged.”

Ayurveda’s Four Goals in Life are:
  1. The fulfillment of your duties to society
  2. The accumulation of possessions while fulfilling duties
  3. Satisfying legitimate desires with the assistance of one’s possessions
  4. The realization that there is more to life than duties, possessions and desires
Another interesting point in Ayurvedic theory is that only a person with a strong Immune System can be healthy. It is considered a fragment of Nature, a spark of the Divine Mother. This gift from Her creates us, sustains us, nourishes us and protects us from outside invasion. As long as our Immune System is strong, we suffer no disease.

The ancient Vedic word for immunity means, “forgiveness of disease” – this comes from the concept that negative thoughts and lifestyles can cause disease.

Although today’s scientists may not describe the Immune System in this way, they do acknowledge that the Immune System plays a key role in every aspect of our health and wellness. And it can be weakened by physical, emotional, mental and environmental “toxins” and overload.  Is this another way of saying, “a mind-body-spirit disconnect”?

To bring this all together, Dr. Light Miller says,
“ Ayurveda believes that health results from the relationship/connectedness between self, personality and everything that goes into our mental, emotional, psychic and spiritual being. It believes that health also results from good relations with others, from an acknowledged indebtedness to Mother Nature, from the realization of one’s purpose, and from the pursuit of legitimate goals in life. Ayurvedic philosophy maintains the importance of a strong immune system, that forgiveness is strengthening and that immortality is possible.” 
There are some basic tenets that weave their influence throughout Ayurvedic Medicine. Some of the most common influences include:
  • The Five Element Theory
  • The Three Doshas
  • The Six Tastes of Life
  • The Three States of Mind
  • The Seven Major Chakras

While each of these is a whole course in itself, we shall briefly define/describe what each of these is about.

The Five Element Theory postulates that a human being is a small model of the Universe. What exists in the human body exists in an altered form in the universal body. These Five Elements make up everything, so their properties are important in order to help understand balances and imbalances within the human body.
  • Earth – represents the solid state of matter; it manifests stability, fixity and rigidity; Earth is considered a stable substance
  • Water – represents change and movement; fluidity;Water is considered substance without stability
  • Fire represents the power to transform solids to liquids, to gas, and back again; Fire is considered form without substance
  • Air – is the gaseous form of matter which is mobile and dynamic;
    Air is considered existence without form
  • Ether – is the space in which everything happens; it is only the distances which separate matter
The Three Doshas are combinations of the Five Elements to form three dynamic forces. Dosha means, “that which changes” because doshas are always moving in dynamic balance.  They are primary life forces.
  • Vata is a combination of Ether and Air and manifests as movement
  • Pitta is a combination of Fire and Water and manifests as transformation
  • Kapha is a combination of Water and Earth and manifests as structure and lubrication
Each Dosha has qualities and characteristics which are helpful in knowing when someone is in or out of balance. Each Dosha responds differently to foods, aromas, weather, stress and other things. There are 5 sub-doshas for each main Dosha and there are combinations called Mixed Doshas that can also be identified.
The Six Tastes of Life are derived from the Five Elements.  The Tastes are important in seeing how we are what we eat. What we eat can increase or decrease doshic balance in our bodies. Each Taste influences specific physical, mental, emotional factors.
  • Sweet is made from Earth and Water;
    Sweet will increase Kapha but decrease Pitta + Vata
  • Sour is made from Earth and Fire
    Sour will increase Pitta and Kapha but decrease Vata
  • Salty is made from Water and Fire
    Salty will increase Pitta and Kapha but decrease Vata
  • Pungent is made from Fire and Air
    Pungent will increase Pitta and Vata but decrease Kapha
  • Bitter is made from Air and Ether
    Bitter increases Vata but decreases Pitta and Kapha
  • Astringent is made from Air and Earth
  • Astringent will increase Vata but decrease Pitta and Kapha
The Three States of Mind are based upon the notion that our Mind is a filter through which all experience is passed.  Each of us creates, inside our head, a world in which we live. It is where we can play out our life experience. Each Dosha will view things differently and may have different life lessons to learn.
  • Tamas – a place of darkness and dullness; can drive one to addiction, suicide, perversion, hate and insensitivity
  • Rajas – a place of action; being caught up in the illusion of the world and pursuit of desires; can drive one to hyperactivity, irritation, manipulation, greed
  • Sattva – the highest state; it is where we are meant to play and live; can start projects, ability to make positive changes, good communication, calm, stable
The life lessons help us evolve into our highest way of being – into our Sattva State

The Seven Major Chakras are considered vortexes of Universal Energy that have physical, emotional, mental and spiritual influences. They exist outside the body and have points of connection with the body through which energy flows. Most meditations refer to Chakras in order to help with grounding and connecting to a Higher Source.

  • Root Chakra – at the base of the spine; security, trust, safety, foundational
  • Sacral Chakra – just below the navel; creativity, procreation, vitality, joy
  • Solar Plexus – at stomach level; our will, sense of self, presence in the world
  • Heart Chakra – on breastbone at mid-chest; love, connection, compassion
  • Throat Chakra – on throat; speak your truth, communication, expression
  • Third-Eye – middle of forehead, just above brows; intuition, higher knowing
  • Crown Chakra – top of head; connection to Spirit/Divine;  all-knowing

Each chakra has a colour, sound, aroma, crystal and shape assigned to it.  They are described as balanced, imbalanced, open, closed. There are positive and impoverished emotional charges to them.

By now, you likely have a sense that working with Ayurvedic Medicine is incredibly detailed – and you would be correct!  This is also where the concept of “Holistic” began. It was, and still is, the driving force behind everything in Ayurveda.  With today’s fast-paced, confusing and worrisome world, it is a very different way of looking at ourselves, our healing and well-being. Strengthening the Mind~Body~Spirit in a holistic manner, may be what the world needs now.