Spring Flowers & Aromas
As Winter leads to Spring, so our attention moves from what is inside to what is peeking at us from the outside world. Gardens, forests, seaside grasses are beginning to awaken. What glorious examples of rebirth and continuous life cycles. There are a few Spring flowers distilled for their essential oils and absolutes that are used in aromatherapy blends. To help welcome Spring, I present you with a few descriptions of them taken from authors Scott Cunningham, Felicity Warner and Valerie Worwood.
- Associated with the planet Venus
- Element is Water
- Magical influences are: overcoming grief; peaceful sleep; love
The Hyacinth personality is forgiving and trusting; their gentleness and good nature is apparent in everything they touch. They are mindful of other people’s feelings and love to be privy to their secrets. They don’t mean to pass those secrets on, but because they love to talk, it sometimes just slips out! They have a fragile, delicate nature which can have a tendency towards tension, stress and stress-related disorders.
- Associated with the planet Venus
- Element is Water
- Magical influences are: love; aphrodisiac; hypnotic state
The Narcissus personality can be mesmerizing, empowering and hypnotic to encounter. A person of closeness, clandestine moments and a seeker of truth. Sometimes called “old souls”. They are masters of camouflage, so as not to give away all their inner secrets and yearnings. They have a highly developed precognitive faculty that can most often predict danger or mistakes.
- Associated with the planet Venus
- Element of Water
- Magical influences are: love; psychic awareness
This plant was named after the Greek goddess of the rainbow, Iris. The dried root is known as Orris Root and can be pounded into a fine powder to apply to clothing, linen or skin. Its gentle, iris aroma is found to be alluring. Both the root and powder have been used for centuries in love-enhancement rituals. The aroma can assist with psychic awareness if it is inhaled with intent and focus.
Although a wonderful Spring flower, this next one is not distilled commercially. Should you find something on the store shelf called Lily of the Valley Oil, you can be certain that it is a fragrance oil – made in a lab. There may be a CO-2 extraction out there, but it would not be available to the general public. And if it was available, it would be very expensive.
Lily of the Valley
- Associated with the planet Mercury
- Element is Air
- Magical influences are: peace; conscious mind; memory
The Greek God Apollo is credited with finding this plant and presenting it to Aesculapius. Although dangerous if ingested, the aroma is quite safe. Using visualization while inhaling the aroma heightens one’s ability to recall old information and strengthen powers of memory.
Watching the Spring garden come to life brings true joy to the mind, body and soul. Colour, aroma and life again – all wonderful energetic offerings to help bring us out of winter slumber and doldrums. If you don’t have a garden, treat yourself and go to the local nursery or florist to get a few potted plants or cut flowers that can brighten and aromatize your personal space. Notice how by adding just a bit of Spring Bling to your surroundings, your mind, body and spirit feel just a bit lighter and brighter. Definitely gifts worth investing in.
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