The Blank Page
At our last seminar, we explored some of the basic designs used in Sacred Geometry. Although it takes basic forms such as the point, line, circle, spiral and ellipse to create all the other forms, everything must start with the Blank Page. You may know this by other names: Clean Slate, Blank Canvas, The Void, The Black Hole, The Great Mystery. Call it what you wish, it is the place where everything must start. It is the place of nothingness and deep silence. Yet, it is the place of pure potential – where anything and everything is possible!
In ancient times, it was the geometer who sat at the tracing board, waiting for inspiration to come forth. Looking back at the geometer from that blank tracing board was a design, waiting to come forth. But only the geometer could take that blank page and create the design. Until that first point was made on the board, nothing happened. Nothing was created. Nothing came into being.
In those times, it was believed that the Earth was holy and that anything done upon the Earth must be done with great care and with the input of Spirit. If the design was to be sustainable and enhance both the Earth and those living at that place on Earth, it was imperative for the geometer to have connected with a force far greater than human ego when creating the design. In order to achieve this connection, it was necessary for the geometer to “go within” – to “go to Source”. And that place was complete stillness and darkness – complete nothingness.
A place that dark and still can be frightening. It can create much anxiety, confusion, indecision, and resistance. It can be so overwhelming that a person avoids it so as to not become unravelled or scared. Much easier to stay distracted in the world around us than to wait to hear/feel/sense what Spirit has to offer. But in order to understand the connection between the spirit of the design and the actual manifestation of that design, one must stay quietly receptive in that place of nothingness, silence and darkness. From that place, the “knowing” comes to us. And with that knowing, we can connect our inner and outer worlds. With that connection, we can now proceed with the design.
The Blank Page or Tracing Board can also be used to illustrate our journey in life. Everyone has a Blank Page that is all our own. But in order to create the best design for ourselves, we need to go within first. We need to find that place of complete stillness and darkness within us and become comfortable with staying there as we await input and direction from a Higher Source. As we come to understand our own unique life design and the part we play in creating that design, we can then sit at the Blank Page that is our life and begin to trace upon it the life we are meant to have. The person we are meant to be. The experiences we are meant to have. These are the things we discover when we go within ourselves and listen for the answers from Source.
Life offers us many Blank Page chances. It is not a one-time offer! It requires work on our part to learn how to go within and understand what we discover. Then we need to learn how to bring those discoveries back and apply them in our world. As we grow and change, so does our unique design. Nothing is static – including us! So, what will your design look like today?
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