The Aura and Energy Fields

The Aura and Energy Fields

All matter is made up of molecules which spin; this creates a bio-magnetic-electrical field.  The speed at which molecules spin and move depends upon the density of the matter they are creating. Objects that are solid in nature, vibrate at a slower rate than those objects which are liquid or gaseous.  Vibration also denotes a colour, aroma, sensation or crystal formation we are experiencing.

Energy fields oscillate; that is to say:  they are wavy!  There is no one vibration or frequency for an energy field. There is a frequency range to be considered.  It is expected that energy is free-flowing in and around the body.  Problems occur when this energy flow is blocked.  Blockages occur for a variety of reasons.

There are several layers of “energy fields” around the Physical Body – each with a frequency range that reflects the nature of their area of influence.  Many healers and researchers have labeled these layers in specific ways. Healing Touch founder, Barbara Ann Brennan, refers to these layers as “Bodies”.  Others refer to them as “Levels”.  And still others label them as “Planes” of energy.  No matter which way you describe the energy field, it is always from the slowest vibration of physical matter to the fastest vibration of spiritual energy. Here is a description of the Human Energy Field (HEF):

Physical Body itself – the most dense and slowest vibration of all energy fields

First Level – Etheric Body
– Right next to the physical body forming the matrix upon which tissue is formed.
– It is where Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) gets its energy to heal through acupuncture.
– Healing occurs through physical means

Second Level – Emotional Body
– Connects to the physical through the Solar Plexus.
– This is where we have and process feelings about ourselves.
– Healing occurs through unconditional love for one’s self.

Third Level – Mental Body
– Connects to the physical body through the Heart.
– This is Level where the logical mind and its thoughts reside.
– Healing occurs through creative positive thought forms.

Fourth Level – Astral Body
– This is the Bridge between the lower vibratory levels and the higher vibratory levels.
– It contains a record of all past experiences and relationships.
– It is where most people Dream; where unconscious can become conscious.
– Healing occurs through unconditional love for others.

Fifth Level – Etheric Template
-This is the blueprint for our earthly existence; it is Divine Will and structure.
– Trauma resides here and reshapes it.
– Healing occurs through love and gaining a sense of Trust and Purpose.

Sixth Level – Celestial Body
-This is where Divine Love and the angelic realm is found.
– Healing occurs through unconditional love for all Creation.

Seventh Level – Causal Body
– This is where Divine Wisdom resides; the All-Knowing
– Healing occurs through remembering the perfection in all of life

The “Physical Body” must “transform” (ie. speed it up) its lower vibrational energy pattern into something faster in order to connect with the other energetic bodies.This is accomplished with spiritual practices, meditations, prayers, holistic therapies and dream time.  Keeping the Physical Body at a higher overall vibratory frequency assists with keeping it healthy and healing at all times

The “Mind” is made up of emotions, thoughts and memories which have a vibrational frequency higher than the Physical Body.  The influence of some memories, thoughts and feelings can either increase or decrease the Physical Body’s vibrational frequency, depending upon what they are and what they mean to us.  Mind-Body Connection is important in our on-going health and healing journey.

The ”Spirit” comes from a very high vibratory frequency that requires “transducing”  (ie. slow it down) in order for our physical body to take it and use it.  This is where coming down through the other energy bodies and chakras comes into play.  The practices that increase the Physical Body’s vibrational frequency can also help slow down the Spirit’s vibration so it can be realized and utilized by us.

“The stronger and more vibrant the Aura and Energy Fields are, the healthier we are and the less likely we are to be influenced and impinged upon by outside forces.”  (Ted Andrews p.46)

Some things that weaken the Human Energy Field (HEF) include:

Poor diet; Lack of exercise; Lack of fresh air; Lack of rest; Stress; Alcohol; Drugs; Tobacco; Negative habits; Negative thinking and attitude; Improper psychic activity.

Replacing those things that weaken the Field with things that support and charge it up will go a long way to create health, happiness and healing on all levels.

This is just a brief description of the incredible energy force we have in and around us every day.  Know that you have ways to influence its strength and vibrancy which will, in turn, help you feel happier and healthier over time. Enjoy your magnificence!

The Four Elements

The Four Elements

In Earth-based spiritual beliefs, life is said to have the four creative energies of the universe at work: earth, air, fire and water. Each is necessary for human life. All have positive and negative aspects and are checks and balances for each other to help sustain life. The four elements are in both a physical form and in an unmanifested, non-physical form.


In the words of Ted Andrews, from his book, Earth, Air, Fire & Water, comes this explanation:

 “… all the elements emerge from akasha, the immutable, changeless source of all energy.  This is the realm of potentiality – of promise, of paths not yet taken, of unformed galaxies, of outer space.  Akasha is also present within our bodies. Some say that the spark of life, that unknowable force that is called the “soul”, is a bit of akashic energy housed in a physical body.  Akasha is unbeingness. …   It’s the primal source of energy that creates and fuels the elements.  Because of this, it contains complete, balanced energy: earth, air, fire and water. … “  (p.33)


The Medicine Wheel assigns each of the four elements to one of the four directions on the Wheel.  The fifth spot, in the centre of the Medicine Wheel, is given to Spirit.  Perhaps this is the akasha that Ted Andrews speaks of.   To have a basic understanding of the four elements is to have a basic understanding of how the Wheel assists us with growth and healing. Let’s look at the basic characteristics of these elements of life.  (Again, from Ted Andrews’ book)


The Earth Element

Earth is our mother. Its basic nature is fertile, nurturing, stabilizing, grounding. Earth energy is considered Receptive. It is a foundation upon which we can build. It is the densest of all elements. The colour associated with the earth element is Green (think Nature/plants).  Earth rituals and prayers are about money, prosperity, fertility, stability, grounding and employment. Herbs aligned with the earth element include earthy-smelling plants such as patchouli and vetiver, mosses and lichens; nuts; dry and stiff plants (straw, grains); heavy, low-growing plants; most roots. Stones and metals that are heavy or opaque, iron or lead based or green such as emerald or peridot indicate earth element energy.  The sound for earth element includes all percussion instruments (ie drums). Its direction is North; its time is Night; its point in life is Advanced Age.  Earth element is linked to the sense of Touch.


The Air Element

Air is the power of movement. Its basic nature is flying, moving, fresh, intelligent, suspending.  Air element is the invisible yet quite real mixture of gases that we breathe in every day. It is the power of the mind ~ the force of intellect. Air element energy is considered Projective. Sound is a manifestation of this element. The colour associated with the air element is Yellow. Air element rituals and prayers are about travel, instruction, study, freedom, knowledge, recovering lost items.  Fragrant flowers and pungent herbs are aligned with this element. Stones and metals that are light (pumice) or transparent (mica) and metals such as tin and copper indicate air element energy.  The sound for air element comes from all wind instruments (ie., flute).  Its season is Spring; its direction is East; its time is Dawn; its point in life is Infancy.  Air is linked to the senses of Hearing and Smell.


The Fire Element

Fire is the creator and destroyer. Unlike the other elements, it cannot exist without consuming something else. Fire transforms objects into new forms:  heat, light, ash and smoke.  Fire must be controlled to benefit us; this is necessary if its physical forms are to be useful.  Its basic nature is purifying, destructive, cleaning, energetic, sexual, forceful.  Heat is the manifestation of this element. Fire is considered a Projective energy.  Its colour is Red.  Fire element rituals and prayers are about protection, courage, sex, energy, strength, authority, banishing negativity. Fire element has connection to plants that are stinging, thorny or hot such as chili peppers, thistles, stinging nettle; desert plants such as cacti; stimulants such as coffee beans; most seeds.  Stones and metals that are fiery (jaspers) or volcanic (lava) or clear (quartz) and metals such as gold and brass are aligned with fire energy.  The sound associated with fire comes from stringed instruments (guitar). Its season is Summer; its direction is South; its time is Noon and its point in life is Youth.  Fire is linked to the sense of Sight.


The Water Element

Water is love.  Water element is cleansing, healing, psychic and loving. Its basic nature is flowing, purifying, healing, soothing, loving.  The energy of this element is vital to our well-being as humans, for it contains within it the essence of love.  It is Receptive energy. The colour associated with the water element is Blue (deep water blue).  Water rituals and prayers are about purification, love, psychic awareness, dreams, sleep, peace, marriage and friendships. Plants aligned with the water element energy include water plants (water lilies, seaweed); fleshy (succulents); loving such as roses and gardenias (most flowers).  Stones and crystals associated with water element are transparent or translucent (aquamarine) or blue (blue tourmaline) and metals such as mercury, silver and copper. The sound for water element comes from all resonate metals (cymbals, bells). Its season is Autumn; its direction is West; its time is Dusk; its point in life is Maturity.  Water is linked to the sense of Taste.


Some natural symbols for these elements include:

Earth – salt, clay, fresh soil, rocks, sheaves of wheat, acorns, earthworm, ant

Air – feathers, incense smoke, fragrant flowers, spiders, most birds

Fire – flames, lava, a heated object, snake, ladybug, bee

Water – shells, a cup of water, fish, shellfish, whale, frog


This is just a quick introduction to the Four Elements and how we can begin to see what we need balanced in our lives. Balance holds the promise of better health and happiness. The Medicine Wheel can help direct your actions toward Balance.  Is it time for you to try?