Vetiver: The Oil of Tranquility
Our 21st century living has created a pandemic of a different kind. This pandemic has crept into people’s hearts and minds, giving rise to feelings of anxiety, fear, uncertainty and worry. Difficulty making decisions, concentrating on daily tasks and a rising lack of confidence begin to erode our sense of purpose, accomplishment and personal power. What is this pandemic? Very bluntly, it is called Stress.
Stress can be of an acute or chronic nature. Acute stress comes on quickly and resolves quickly. The mind-body connection can recalibrate and return to normal balance in a relatively short time. The mind-body loves normal, healthy balance; it functions best when this is its default setting. Chronic stress is different. A mind-body undergoing relentless stresses cannot find the way back to normal healthy balance in a short time. The longer the stress level remains, the more exhaustion is experienced in the mind-body. This can lead to physical illnesses and low immunity. But the toll on the emotional functioning is overwhelming – and this affects all aspects of healthy, happy living.
Research has shown that certain essential oils have a calming effect upon the mind-body and if used correctly, can help balance out the over-reactions to stress. In Ayurvedic medicine, the stresses of the 21st century are said to have a negative effect upon the Root Chakra. The Root Chakra is a foundational energy center – it is where our sense of security, trust and vitality “take root” so to speak! When we are not feeling grounded (“rooted”) in these qualities, it is difficult to proceed with daily activities, decisions and courage. The Root Chakra is the base upon which all other chakras can draw strength. Stress knocks us off our Root Chakra. In its place, we experience mistrust, fear, indecision and exhaustion. Exhaustion can occur on all levels of functioning: mental, emotional, physical and spiritual. As you can see, none of this is a healthy, happy place to be.
Enter Vetiver essential oil. Vetiver belongs to the botanical family Poaceae (formerly Graminaceae), the botanical genus Vetiveria and is a cousin to sugar cane and lemongrass. There are two naturally occurring species: zizanoides and lawsonni. The essential oil is distilled from the fibrous, filament, extremely long roots and is extensively used in perfumery as a fixative. It has a deep, woody, earthy, sweet aroma. Its high concentration of sesquiterpenes accounts for most of its calming, centering effect upon the mind-body connection. Vetiver essential oil helps with resetting the nervous system, strengthening the immune system, improving local circulation, and reducing inflammation of joints, muscles and connective tissues. For thousands of years, this grass has been used in India to prevent erosion along waterways and is currently used in several parts of the world for just this purpose. Vetiver is used to improve the quality of drinking water. It is said that a powder of this root, when added to wells and reservoirs, will transform cloudy, smelly and stagnant water into clean water. And that’s just the short list of what it can do!
During this covid year, we have seen more and more people succumb to the stresses placed upon them, their families and communities. It is no surprise that at the Wellness Centre, we have incorporated Vetiver essential oil into most of the blends that people are using. The “Oil of Tranquility” has offered a much-needed break from the underlying, relentless stresses they feel. Resetting one’s stress meter to a more manageable level is, in fact, a way of “circuit breaking’ the effects of stress on the mind-body. Being such a calming, centering oil and because it is derived from the root of the plant, it has an affinity to help with the issues surrounding Root Chakra imbalance or blockages. Strengthening and balancing the Root Chakra energy means strengthening and balancing one’s foundation. This translates into having a more positive effect upon the feelings of trust, security, confidence and vitality. In turn, this affords the person a way to improve their level of concentration, decision-making, activities and courage. And up the Chakra ladder it goes!
Vetiver essential oil helps ground after experiencing a shock. It helps one to get centered and assists with lessening flashbacks. This oil can assist with improved sleep. It helps to process grief. Vetiver offers a steady hand when the world seems topsy-turvy. And it helps support the adrenal glands, which are over-worked and/or exhausted because of prolonged stress. Spiritually, Vetiver is said to invoke wisdom, compassion and self honour. It helps one feel connected to both Earth and the Universe – with a knowing/understanding that we are not alone in this journey on Earth. It gives the gift of a sense of belonging.
Those who come to the Wellness Centre know that we offer two types of Vetiver essential oil: vetiver and Rhus Khus. Both come from India, but only Rhus Khus comes from a specific area in northern India. There is a saying: All Rhus Khus is Vetiver, but not all Vetiver is Rhus Khus. There seems to be a stronger, more magical effect associated with the northern Indian Rhus Khus than that of its relatives. However, all Vetivers will help reset the stress meter – some people may need stronger help at certain times than other people do.
The Stress Pandemic continues on. Perhaps it’s time to include the Oil of Tranquility in your self-care practices to help offset the effects stress has on your mind-body-spirit. This is something under your control at a time when the world seems out of control. Vetiver is not going anywhere – it has been here to help for thousands of years and will continue to be here to help us navigate this pandemic. This plant and its oil will not give in or give up! It’s a great ally to have on our side.
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