Be My Valentine
Aromatherapy has long been used to awaken both love and sexuality in both men and women. It was well-known that Cleopatra would have her staff soak the sails of her ship in rose oil and rose water, so that the wind would carry the scented message of her impending arrival to her lover, Mark Anthony. I don’t have to tell you what those two crazy kids got up to, once she got to shore! History has shown that certain oils can create quite a stirring of the heart (and other parts!). Some of the more commonly used essential oils for love, romance and passion include:
Florals: Rose, Jasmine, Neroli, Lavender, Ylang-Ylang
Woods: Sandalwood, Amyris, Cedarwood
Citrus: Bergamot, Orange
Spices: Cinnamon, Cardamom, Ginger
Herbs, Leaves & Roots: Patchouli, Clary-Sage, Vetiver, Vanilla
Those of you who are familiar with the Chakra energy system will note that most of these oils also have an affinity for the Heart and Sacral chakras, which are associated with Love and Passion. These essential oils can be used in a room diffuser, a bath, a body oil or cream to help create a romantic ambiance and to increase passionate actions (wink-wink-nudge-nudge). But remember: the aroma will work only if you and your partner enjoy it. Just because the book says an oil is an aphrodisiac, doesn’t mean it will always have that effect. If you or your partner can’t stand the aroma, it just won’t work!
In crystal therapy, Rose Quartz is the quintessential choice for Unconditional Love. Its gentle pink nature has a softness, kindness and steadiness that is both comforting and nurturing. Used to help all sorts of heart ache, its all-loving nature is a balm to the weary, lonely and grieving. There are other crystals that will assist with passion (eg.Carnelian, Fire Agate) and love-spells (eg. Fire Opal), but it is Rose Quartz that helps us extend love to everyone – including ourselves. Rose Quartz can be worn as a pendant over the Heart chakra to support loving thoughts and actions. It can also be placed under your pillow or bed to foster a loving relationship with a partner. Anyone can benefit from this gentle, loving crystal.
What would happen if you combined aromatics and crystals? In addition to the suggestions above, Michael Istad has a recipe for an Unconditional Love drink that combines traditional Ayurvedic herbs and spices with Rose Quartz crystals. This recipe is meant to be shared with those you love to increase the love between and around all of you. It is taken from his book, The Herball’s Guide to Botanical Drinks.
Unconditional Love Tea
20g. (3/4oz) cinnamon sticks, powdered
15g. (1/2oz) dried ginger root
5g. (1 tsp.) dried ashwagandha root
5g. (1 tsp.) dried shatavari root
15g. (1/2oz) dried rose petals
10g. (1/4oz) dried rosehips
30g. (1oz) dried tulsi
3-4 rough pieces of Rose Quartz
* Mix all the dried herbs together in a large bowl, then decant into a sealable pouch or jar. Store away from direct sunlight.
* Cleanse the crystals, by first rinsing and gently scrubbing them under running water. Then place in the sun for a few hours. whisper some loving thoughts or love poetry to them. Place the crystals in a heated oven on a low heat (60-70 C./ 140-158 F) for 15 minutes or until hot. Gently place hot crystals in teacups.
* To serve 3-4 people: Take 6 heaping teaspoons of the herb blend, place into teapot, pour over freshly boiled water. Infuse with lid on for 5-6 minutes, then strain and serve in teacups over the warm pieces of rose quartz. Savour and enjoy!
If you can’t find these herbs, why not create your own special tea blend from dried herbs you love? Herbs and Spices make a wonderful drink. Remember: It is the intention with which you create these teas that adds your own magic touch to the final product. May your tea be infused with the magic of Love.
To round out our Valentine’s Day celebrations, we turn to Robbi Zeck ND – author of the book, The Blossoming Heart – for some final suggestions on how to keep our hearts open and our lives filled with grace and gratitude. Consider these:
- Create beauty in the environment in which you live
- Say something positive or smile to at least one person every day
- Do what you love and love what you do
- Clear out your clutter
- Recognize your gifts and talents
- Every evening before sleeping, acknowledge all that you are grateful for
- Every morning on waking, say thank you for another day of living and loving
- Play, have fun, laugh
- Open to love and the sensation of beauty within you
- Show the people you love, your love.
Have a wonderful Valentine’s Day! May your loving actions and attitudes carry on long after February 14th.
- Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung
- May there be light for you in dark places when all other lights go out. J.R.R.Tolkien
- You can’t depend upon your judgement when your imagination is out of flow. Mark Twain
- May the moon and stars pour their healing lights on you. Deep peace of a quiet earth to you. Celtic Blessing
- Our sense of worth is the single most important determinant of the health, abundance and joy we allow into our lives. Dan Millman
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