Taking Stock of Your Life
Inventory is about taking stock. We “take stock” when we truly examine what we have, what we had and what needs to be adjusted, shifted or simply thrown out because it does not support us or is no longer good for us.. Taking stock is something that takes time and effort, but when completed we have a far better understanding of what is needed in order to move forward in a positive direction.
Many folks have created forms, courses, seminars, retreats to help us get in touch with ourselves. The purpose is so we can evaluate where we’ve come from, how this influences our situation and choices and what needs to be changed in order for us to create the best life we can have. This is a form of taking inventory in which we are encouraged to look at aspects of our lives that are working / are not working and create a plan to have alignment with better outcomes. Creating and executing the plan are very different! Many people come up with amazing plans to improve their lives, but fall short on seeing these plans to fruition. Why might that be?
The first thing that comes to mind is that these folks may not believe deep down at their core being that they deserve a better life – that they are deserving of better. How can someone execute a plan to be the best they can be and the best their lives can be, if at their core, they don’t believe they deserve it? That belief will simply stop one in their tracks!
It takes emotional, physical and mental energy to make changes that steer one toward success and fulfillment. Stamina to see the job through just doesn’t happen. One must be committed to the plan and keep focused on the reasons for the plan and making the changes. Fatigue can set in – and this is where old habits can resurface. Impatience with things not moving or changing fast enough can create doubt about the plan. Health and relationship issues can derail the plan – easier to stick with what we know than what we were creating for ourselves.
Another reason that our plans for self-mastery, sufficiency and success on all levels can be sabotaged is found in our way of giving our personal power over to others. Many folks have given others the power to influence and dictate how and what they should think, feel and do. This relationship dynamic is problematic because it places the person in a victim or dependency role.
Traditionally, these roles are not ones that instill great personal power in order to make personal decisions and changes. Often, you will hear the person saying that they want changes in their life, but it is extremely difficult for this person to actually come up with a plan and then execute it. For these folks, they will need to work on how to regain a healthy balance of give and take in relationships plus begin to explore how to regain their personal power. If they can learn even this much, they will set the stage for a different personal path.
Take inventory first. If you like things as they are and they are giving you joy, purpose, health and love, then continue strengthening these things. If you believe you are not experiencing the life you want, then decide what needs to change and create a plan for change. Not everything needs to go into the Change Machine at once! Start with smaller changes and see how that looks and feels. Ready to tackle more? Then go for it! Enough for now? Then let it be. It’s always your decision as to how much is enough.
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