Transformation – Work and Wonder
The word “transformation” is being used in many situations, by many people these days. Yet many do not understand what this really means. It is a process, not a destination, that takes us from one form to another. One understanding to another. One connection to another. Basically, transformation is taking what currently is and creating something different. The intention with which the transformation is done, will determine if it is a helpful or non-helpful change.
Personal transformation occurs from the inside – out. No one else can “make you” transform from one way to another. If you want to see a change in the world around you, go within first to change yourself.
Transformation occurs from the outside- in. Situations, people and life experiences influence and affect us on many levels. They can be the catalyst for helpful or non-helpful change. We are influenced in so many ways to create change within ourselves and in our lives. It is our intention that sets the direction of transformation.
How might we start the process of transformation? Start with Centering and Focusing: we must be still in order to connect with our thoughts, feelings and body. Then we can learn what is really going on within ourselves. In this quiet space, we can notice our Thoughts, Feelings and Behaviours without judging ourselves. This will reveal the Raw Wounds from the past that may be interfering or influencing our current life. When we can notice these within ourselves, and use Loving Kindness upon them, we begin to neutralize their power over us. We then have a chance for self-forgiveness and healing. By doing this, the Wound will not have the same influence or power over us and we are able to choose happiness and freedom for ourselves instead.
There is no way to change what happened in the past. We can only change our reaction to it. Acknowledge your pain in order to deal with it. You were at a different age and stage in your life when you felt this pain. You may be carrying forth what it is you felt you needed THEN, but it really won’t help with what you need NOW. You can’t get it from someone else, but you can get it For yourself From yourself.
Venting emotions and Feeling emotions are different things. You can vent until the end of time, but it won’t necessarily help move you through the emotion and onto healing it. Yet allowing yourself to feel the emotion helps you remember where it started, why it started and realize that you do not have to continue reacting to that emotion in that manner. “That was then, this is now; and now I choose _____ for myself and my life.” It can be transformed.
Surrender, Release and Transformation from pain and burden can be put this way:
That was then, this is now. I no longer wish to let this pain have power over my current happiness and health. I am ready to release this and replace it with something that is more helpful, supportive and loving of me and my current life.
Good-bye ______. Thank you for the lessons you have taught me.
Hello __________. Thank you for helping me in my quest for happiness and health. I accept your help now, with grace and gratitude.
Transformation can be supported and achieved using many other practices/approaches as well. Some of the more common ways include:
- Pray and meditate (ask and listen
- Chakra energy balancing
- Energetic therapies to balance body~mind~spirit
- Mindfulness practices (being instead of doing)
- Forgiveness and Loving Kindness (for self and others)
- Individual and group therapies
- Support groups
- Experiencing Love & Joy every day.
No one ever said that the work of personal transformation was easy or quick. But the benefits and rewards make it worthwhile. Only you know if you are ready to undertake such a journey. Only you can make it happen for yourself.
- “The paradox of modern life is that at the same time we are living in ways never done before and therefore daily recreating our world, our actions often feel rootless and empty. To transcend this state, we need to feel rooted simultaneously in history and eternity.” Carol Pearson
- “Healing Magic is the force for positive transformation and empowerment. It naturally reflects a blend of the physical and metaphysical. Health is understood as a natural harmony of Body, Mind and Spirit, and a balanced relationship between the mundane and the Divine realms of energy.” Amber Wolfe
- The word “healing” is from the old English word, “Health” which means “Wholeness”.
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