Aromatherapy Relief for Stress & Anxiety
The sweet, slow nature of Summer “time off” has evolved into the hustle and bustle of Autumn’s “full speed ahead”. Work, family, school, groups, meetings all seem to be ramping up at the same time. It isn’t easy staying calm and centered when the world is pulling you...
THE HERO’S JOURNEY: A nod to Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung and Carol Pearson
Early in Natural Comfort’s story, we presented seminars on tools for transformation. One of the topics of interest was the idea of the Hero’s Journey and how everyone has the possibility of transformation when they undertake their personal journey. As you read this,...
Every Kind of People
With all these titles, categories and labels we are told to use these days, I can’t help wonder how does this make us stronger and unified as people? Seems there is a label for every type of racial, gender, religious, political, socio-economic group. And by...
The Colours of Life
As summer goes into full swing, we are surrounded by the amazing colour palate of Nature. We can see it everywhere – no matter if one lives in the big city or the remote villages of the world. Colour surrounds us, cradles us and extends through us. Colour is a...
The Mind-Body Connection
While packing up the Centre, I came across a flip-chart with posters from a seminar given many years ago here. As I read it over, I had to smile; some things never change, and here was proof! This seminar could have been delivered during the covid lockdowns or more...
Here’s The Story
It was February 1995. The Friday found me leave a nursing faculty meeting to attend a weekend workshop on Healing Touch energy healing. By the end of the weekend, I felt inspired to become a holistic therapist. But how was I to quit my “day job” for something so...
Living in the Moment
Excerpts taken from a seminar done at Natural Comfort in 2016“You can learn from the past and imagine a beautiful future,but you must live in the here-and-now"Colette Baron-ReidWhenever you set your sights too far ahead, you run the risk of losing your footing, for...
Spring Flowers & Aromas
As Winter leads to Spring, so our attention moves from what is inside to what is peeking at us from the outside world. Gardens, forests, seaside grasses are beginning to awaken. What glorious examples of rebirth and continuous life cycles. There are a few Spring...
The Blank Page
At our last seminar, we explored some of the basic designs used in Sacred Geometry. Although it takes basic forms such as the point, line, circle, spiral and ellipse to create all the other forms, everything must start with the Blank Page. You may know this by other...
The Blank Slate
As the New Year begins, we have an opportunity to course-correct anything that we believe is no longer helpful, healthful or joyous in our lives. “Course-correct” is a term used by Colette Baron-Reid to describe any decision or action we take to go away from...
A moment to reflect
The past few months we have presented several topics via our new Zoom seminars. From Heart Wounds and Rose Alchemy in September, to the Three Faces of the Divine Feminine throughout October and just last week, we looked at Navigating Transitions and Loss. All very...
The Aura and Energy Fields
All matter is made up of molecules which spin; this creates a bio-magnetic-electrical field. The speed at which molecules spin and move depends upon the density of the matter they are creating. Objects that are solid in nature, vibrate at a slower rate than those...