The rites of Spring are rooted in the old ways of the world. Through mythology and god/goddess stories, Spring was celebrated as a time of renewal, rebirth and passion. The earth was now waking up from its winter slumber. Excitement and anticipation were tangible!...
Cypress Oil For Grief and Moving On
Cypress is a tree associated with graveyards, grief and eternity. In Aroma Genera, the therapeutic system developed by British aromatherapist Valerie Ann Worwood, there is strength found in its fragrance. She describes its characteristics to include wisdom, strength,...
The Hero’s Journey: Finding our Truth
The Hero’s Journey helps people understand their road to self-discovery, mastery and their truth. This road uses universal archetypes as guides along our journey. We are all familiar with these archetypes because they exist in our collective psychological...
Risk the Dream
Reflecting back upon the dreams, risks, successes, failures, and choices made that have brought me to this place and time in my life, all I can say is WOW! Sometimes, the changes and risks were straightforward and effortless, “in the flow” and easy to incorporate. ...
Emotional Release with Aroma-Genera
In last month’s newsletter, I referred to the emotional release technique, created by Valerie Ann Worwood, called Aroma-Genera. Since that article, I have received some questions about this technique and how it is done. As a Registered Aroma-Genera Therapist for 15...
Spring Clutter and Cleaning on All Levels
As we move from Spring Equinox, it is apparent that big changes are happening all around us. We see the awakening of plants, bugs and animals from their winter slumber. We notice neighbours and friends getting their homes and gardens in order – spring cleaning and...
Respiratory Health During Cold & Flu Season
Cold and Flu season is gaining momentum. Both conditions can be transmitted through airborne germs, which are then breathed into our nose, sinuses, mouth, throat and lungs. It is necessary for the respiratory tract to remain intact, clean and moist in order to help...
Victimization, Helplessness and Caretaking
Some people have a firmly ingrained belief that they are victims and their feelings of helplessness and misery are habitual. Victimization has been likened to wearing a grey cloak that surrounds us, both attracting that which will victimize us and causing us to...
Cycles, Seasons and Changes
Life has its cycles and seasons: waking, sleeping, working, playing, birth, death, rebirth and so on. There are daily, weekly, monthly, yearly and life-time rhythms that help us with lessons and movement in our lives. There are internal and external cycles...
Weight and Emotional Eating
Weight and emotional eating are two sides of the same coin. A few years ago, several people here at the Centre used the Dukan Diet to successfully lose weight and improve their health. But interestingly, several people now report that their weight is going up again –...
What is Lapis Lazuli
Lapis Lazuli is a metamorphosed limestone that contains blue Lazurite. It also contains Pyrite, which adds a golden sparkle, and Calcite which shows up as white flecks. Other trace minerals may be present, too. Lapis is Latin for stone . Both the names Lazuli and...
Desiderata Revisited
On my recent vacation to Antigua, I spent many hours walking the beach, wading in the turquoise water and collecting special seashells and beach glass as souvenirs . On one particular afternoon, I found myself looking out to sea and hearing this phrase in my head: Go...