In 2001, the term “emotional alchemy” was used by Tara Bennett-Goleman to describe a way of helping reframe and release negative and disturbing emotions. She brought together the practices of Buddhist psychology and mindfulness with insights from cognitive therapy,...
Careful What You Wish For
Birthday cake and candles, four-leaf clover, first star at night, turkey wishbone and Harry Potter’s magic spells are just some of the ways in which we have learned to cast our wishes and hope that magic brings them into reality. People wish for all sorts of things –...
Reflections and Affirmations
As the warmth of summer begins to wane, and the daylight hours get shorter,we are reminded that the Equinox is not far away. A day of equal day and equal night. Being curious, I looked at how several traditions viewed this time of year. Let me share some of these with...
A Meaningful Life
People want to have a life of meaning – of purpose – yet how does one accomplish this? Not from an egoic place, but from a humanistic vantage point. A recent article in the magazine, Mindfulness: Healthy Mind, Healthy Life, offered some suggestions on how to...
That 11:11 Thing
The subject of numerology can be quite intriguing. There are those who maintain that numbers do have meaning and influence in our lives. There are others who are not convinced of any relationship with numbers. The generally “superstitious” numbers, such as thirteen...
Past, Present and Future
January is named after the Roman god Janus. The story is told that Janus has two faces and looks into the past and the future at the same time. Quite fitting for the month that begins our New Year! While the Winter Solstice in December asks us to “go within” to...
Future, Today and the Past
“Today is yesterday, but in its future state of being.”This is the type of thing a quantum physicist would say – and it can be really trippy to understand! Yet if we pause and think about it, we know this to be true. By understanding how our yesterdays can influence...
Courage and the Pioneering Spirit
On a recent trip through British Columbia to Alberta, I was struck by the pure majesty of our country. From verdant forests to rock bare deserts; flowing rivers and waterfalls to stiff stone mountain ranges; every colour of the rainbow to blackness. As I soaked up...
Religion, Spirituality and Mysticism
As we enter the Longest Night and await the Birth of the Light after Winter Solstice, it is interesting to note how many religions and spiritual traditions use this time of year for powerful teachings and events. Three levels of understanding await the seeker on...
September and Autumn Musings
As summer comes to a close, we reflect upon that which has happened and consider where we go from here. The outward expression of our energies and activities, so much a part of the celebrations of summer, begins to slow down. Time to gather and draw nearer. The...
Freedom in the Summer
There is a definite feeling of freedom in the summer air. Watch, listen and smile as you notice signs of freedom around you. You’ll hear it in the roar of the motorcycles out on a road trip. You’ll see it in the carefree way the children ride their bikes and swish...
The Phoenix is Rising
It seems everywhere I look these days, I’m reminded in some way of the story of the Phoenix. In native cultures, the Phoenix is also known as the Thunderbird. Looking back over the historical significance of this image, it is interesting to see how this image is...