The Family Care-Giver and Burn-out

The Family Care-Giver and Burn-out

Looking through my latest journal from the Canadian Nurses Association, I was struck by a couple of comments on those caring for a family member or friend. “About 13 million Canadians are providing some type of care to a family member or friend, with age-related...

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Spiritual Practices in Today’s World

Spiritual Practices in Today’s World

Spiritual traditions and practices teach techniques to help seekers transform themselves and their lives.  As the darkest days of the year approach, they invite us to be still for a moment and “go within” to discover the answers we seek.  Spiritual practices are not...

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Inner Power

Inner Power

The world lost a great story-teller and role-model this week, when Maya Angelou died.  At age 86, she still inspired folks with her optimistic and philosophical writings and recordings.  Her life wasn’t always easy, having experienced racial discrimination, sexual...

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Change and Transformation

Change and Transformation

Understanding that energy cannot be destroyed, but it can be transformed, is a good place to start when one looks at transformation.   Since transformation is taking what currently exists and creating something different,  it is somewhat reassuring to see that nothing...

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