Essential Oils and the Summer Sun

Essential Oils and the Summer Sun

Summertime – and the sunshine is intense.  Great idea to use sunscreen to prevent sunburn and sun damage;  most people would consider this a no-brainer.  But did you know there are some essential oils that will react with the sun’s ultraviolet rays and create...

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Garden Wisdom

Garden Wisdom

As the Spring gardens continue to burst forth with life, I am humbled and in awe of the regenerative and restorative powers of Nature. While it restores itself, it also restores me. Form, colour, aroma and textures all come together in a way that is nothing short than...

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Messages in the Roses

Messages in the Roses

As we come upon Valentines Day, many people will be choosing roses as a means of conveying their affection and love.  In days gone by, elaborate messages were communicated through bouquets, as each plant translated its own vocabulary.  Flower colour make a difference...

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2017 is Number One in Numerology

2017 is Number One in Numerology

Numerology is the study of a cosmic code that uses numbers for its symbols. Each number is a symbol for a truth which can assist with personal awareness and growth. Each number has unique qualities and associations which make for a more in depth understanding of...

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Rosemary is for More Than Remembrance

Rosemary is for More Than Remembrance

The herb Rosemary has been a symbol of remembrance for ions. In herbal folklore, “Rosemary is for Remembering”.  It was often used at times of funerals, anniversaries and when soldiers marched off to war.  Its aroma has always been uplifting and stimulating; sharp,...

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Herbal Delights

Herbal Delights

The Botanica 2016 conference inspired me to find more ways to use my plants every day for health and well-being. There is still time to enjoy the bounty of the garden – even if the temperatures are cooler and the daylight is shorter.  If you have access to fresh...

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