During November, we have opportunities for Remembrance.  By definition, this is a time of acknowledging and reflecting upon the past.  People, places, pets, objects, situations from our past come forth to be acknowledged and “remembered” apotheke-zag.de.

The month starts with All Saints Day and the Feast of the Dead.  At this time, it is believed that the veil separating the living and the dead is parted ever so briefly, offering opportunity for the exchange of guidance and prophecy.  On the 11th month, on the 11th day at the 11th hour,  we “remember” those who defended our country and its rights and freedoms. Some came back, some did not. And some came back damaged on many levels from the ordeal.  At the end of the month, our American friends have their Thanksgiving Day. On this day, they reflect upon their lives and give thanks.  Reflections of one’s life require “remembrance” and acknowledgement.

Some people question the importance of remembrance.  It’s history – old news. What is done, is done.  So move on.  Some people don’t wish to remember their past as it holds too many painful memories; they block everything from their past.  Some people tightly hold onto the past memories because they were the best of times; they live in the past instead of the present.  But there is a difference between memories and remembrance.

Whereas memories hold the thought and emotion of the past, remembrance takes that thought and emotion and offers reflection and understanding of how it influenced our life and  life choices since. This is how we can integrate the great and not so great moments in our lives.  By remembering, we can learn.  By remembering, we offer ourselves a chance to not be tied to the past, yet allow the past to be acknowledged for what it was.

The past happened – that can’t be changed.  But our view and reaction to the past can be changed.  But not by denying or clinging to it.  When we face it for what it was and realize that we can choose a more self-helpful way of responding to it, the memory becomes a remembrance.  The emotional power a memory holds over us is softened.  Over time, this emotion is gently released.  And we are left with a remembrance of that memory.  And its lesson.

It is helpful to remember our history. It offers roots and context to our life story. But it isn’t our whole story. We must live in the present.  Having remembrances lets us realize where we came from and where we are now.  Should we need to course-correct in a direction more in alignment with our dreams and purpose, it is our choice to do so.

Remembrance and Memories – crucial steps in our evolution.