What loss and change mean to us and how our past experiences
are influencing our current ways of coping

Changes happen in every aspect of our life and over our entire lifetime.  The transformative event may be desired or not;  anticipated or unexpected;  healthy or unhealthy.  Adapting to a new set of circumstances is tough; it requires mental and physical energy to adapt to change and find a new equilibrium.  But why does this transition need to be difficult? 

Answers to the “why” are often found in the “when”.  Current reactions to a loss have a basis in how we experienced and responded to past losses.  If we felt supported and justified in our feelings at the time, we likely had the opportunity to express and process what that loss meant to us and our world. This set the foundation upon how we dealt with future losses and changes. For most people, this was not their earlier experience.  Old tapes playing in our head could still be influencing our current loss.  Some of the phrases used in the past:

  • Stop crying or I’ll give you something to cry about
  • You’re better off without him/her/them
  • Don’t be stupid – it wasn’t that bad
  • You can always find another job so quit worrying
  • Get over it
  • If you don’t stop it, I’m leaving

Notice how these phrases do not acknowledge the person experiencing the loss as having legitimate feelings about the situation. In time, the person learns to cover up their true feelings to fit in or appease the other person.  But without expression and release, these feelings sit, simmer and go underground.  Eventually, they come back to haunt.

By its nature, change requires loss to occur.  We must transition or become stuck. Since change is inevitable and change is a form of loss, the earlier experiences with how to handle things comes into play.  But what if we could change that automatic reaction?  What if we could allow ourselves to feel the feelings of loss and change?  What if we allowed ourselves to acknowledge our feelings and give ourselves the comfort and attention needed to move through the change with grace and acceptance?  What if transitions didn’t have to be so difficult? 

During this seminar, we will explore what loss and change mean to us and how our past experiences are influencing our current ways of coping.  We will offer some ideas and techniques to help move through transition’s roadblocks and past the anger, guilt, regret and grief which may be creating more stress than we can bear.  Comfort and joy are possible, but they start from the Inside – Out.

Seminar Details:
Date: Thursday, November 16th, 2023
Time:  7:30-9:30 pm   (Pacific Standard Time)
Presented via Zoom link
Pre-registration Required
Cost:  $25.00
+ $1.25 GST

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Reference Navigating Transition & Loss

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All participants will receive a reference handout via email the morning of the seminar