Introduction to Sacred Geometry

The art of using geometric forms as a gateway to the knowledge and presence of the living spirit

“Geometry” comes from the Greek word geometria, meaning, “earth measurement”. The ancient origins of geometry:  when the art was used to lay out patterns on the Earth in order to measure fields and establish the ground plans for sacred structures.  All geometry was sacred in those times, as the Earth was considered a living and holy being and those who measured and patterned it recognized their responsibilities as mediators between people and the Earth. Also, it was recognized that geometry itself offered pathways into the subtle realm of meaning and spirit that we call “sacred”.

Out of these recognitions of sacred possibilities, an extraordinary tradition of wisdom took shape.  It was expressed in many different forms in the cultures that treasured it.  Still, a common thread of insight runs through all expressions of sacred geometry tradition. All knew the need to join geometric theory with its expression in practice.  All knew how to fuse spirit, form and matter into unity through the practice of their art.  All knew that beauty and meaning come from the presence of the living spirit in form and matter.  All saw clearly that this comes through the creative mind from beyond, not from the individual ego and its manipulations.

Sacred Geometry:  the art of using geometric forms as a gateway to the knowledge and presence of the living spirit.

Come join us for an evening of exploration into this ancient art.  See how these shapes and configurations have stood the test of time and how we can utilize them today.

Seminar Series Details:

Date: Thursday, October 19th, 2023
Time: 7:30 – 9:30 PM, Pacific Time
Presentation via Zoom link
Pre-registration is required
Cost: $ 25.00 + GST $1.25
Payable by E-Transfer or PayPal

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Reference: Introduction to Sacred Geometry

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All participants will receive a reference handout via email the morning of the seminar