We refer to “chakras ” in many of our articles and when performing treatment sessions here at the Centre.  But some clients are not familiar with their meanings. Here is a quick reference guide to chakra basics, what they are and what they do.  Thanks to Anodea Judith’s website for this information. (her book, Wheels of Life: A User’s Guide to the Chakra System , is available in our Retail Store)

Chakra is a Sanskrit word for wheel or disk and signifies one of seven basic energy centers existing within the subtle body which overlays the physical body. Modern physiology has verified that these seven chakras correspond exactly to the seven main nerve ganglia branching from the spinal column. Chakras also correlate to levels of consciousness, archetypal elements, developmental stages of life, colours, sounds, body functions and more.

From bottom to top, the chakras are as follows:

Root Chakra – located at the base of the spine
Associated with Earth Element, Physical Identity, Self-Preservation.
Forms our Foundation; related to our sense of grounding and connection to our bodies and the physical plane.
When open and balanced: Health, security, prosperity and presence.
Colour:  Red

Sacral Chakra – located just below the navel and in lower back
Associated with Water Element, Emotions and Sexuality.
Connects us to others through feeling, desire, sensation and movement.
When open and balanced:  Grace, depth of feeling, sexual fulfillment and ability to accept change.
Colour:  Orange

Solar Plexus Chakra – located in the solar plexus (stomach) area
Associated with Fire Element, Ego Identity, Self-Definition.
Personal power, will and autonomy,  metabolism.
When open and balanced: Energy, effectiveness, spontaneity, non-dominating power.
Colour:  Yellow cialis generika kaufen

Heart Chakra – middle of chest, in heart area
Associated with Air Element, Social Identity, Self-Acceptance.
Related to love;  integrates the opposites in the psyche.
When open and balanced: Love deeply, feel compassion, have a deep sense of peace and centeredness.
Colour:  Green (physical)  Pink  (emotional)

Throat Chakra – located in the throat
Associated with Sound, Creative Identity, Self-Expression.
Communication and creativity.
Experience the world symbolically through vibration using language.
When open and balanced: Can speak one’s Truth, creative, connected.
Colour:  Blue

Third-Eye (Brow) Chakra – located on forehead, between/above eyebrows
Associated with Light, Archetypal Identity, Self-Reflection.
Seeing both physically and intuitively.
Opens our psychic faculties and our understanding of archetypal levels.
When open and balanced:  See clearly on all levels.
Colour:  Indigo

Crown Chakra – top of head
Associated with Universal Thought, Universal Identity, Self-Knowledge.
Relates to consciousness as pure awareness.
Connection to the greater world beyond, to a timeless, spaceless place of all-knowing.
When open and balanced:  Knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection and bliss.
Colour:  Violet

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